A Voice from the Eastern Door


In March of 2017, the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne ratified an Akwesasne Legislative Commission Charter as well as a regulation for the Commission to follow.

The mission of the Commission is to: “oversee, receive community input and provide community guidance and direction in the development of Akwesasne Laws.” In performing its work, the Commission is to “…consider and balance the diversity of perspectives within the Akwesasne community when developing Akwesasne Laws.”.

After posting Commission positions MCA has appointed Ms. Neomie Diagastino and Ms. Jennine Hall as Kana:takon representatives, Ms. Nancy Ransom and Ms. Nadine Jacobs as Kawehno:ke representatives, Ms. Theresa Thompson and Ms. Esther Jock as Tsi Snaihne representatives, and also appointed an at-large member, Ms. Laura Paulette. After their appointment, the Commission was provided training on both their charter and regulation, as well as the Akwesasne Law Enactment Procedural Regulation which was approved by MCA in MCR 2015/2016 #261-A. The final training piece was on basic legislative drafting principles. In conducting its work, the Commission will be assisted by a Justice Coordinator which is located in the MCA Justice Department.

In much simpler terms, the Commission works to draft laws which are to serve Akwesasne, and which can be considered by MCA for passage. During that process, there are many opportunities for the Commission to interact with both the community and Council as any proposed Akwesasne Law is considered for passage. Most noteworthy in this regard is that the Commission is required to conduct an annual Public Comment Meeting at which time the Commission can receive requests for laws to be considered, and potentially developed for consideration by Council. These requests can come from within the community, or from any source within Akwesasne.

Pursuant to its charter and regulation, the Akwesasne Legislative Commission is pleased to announce that they will be conducting their first Public Comment Meeting for Akwesasne on May 23, 2018, at the Tsi Snaihne Recreation from 6-8 pm.

Community members are invited to attend this session and give their input and recommendations for future Akwesasne Laws. The Commission looks forward to hearing from you.


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