A Voice from the Eastern Door

AMBE Students at the United Counties Science Fair

Late last year students in the three Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education schools put together science projects to be seen and judged locally.

Last weekend some of them moved up and put their creations on display for the entire Stormont Dundas and Glengarry county.

The United Counties Science Fair was held at St. Lawrence High School in Cornwall and several local kids won top honors.

Jersey Jacobs of the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School won the Silver Award for her Color and Memory Display. She won $100.00 and this award was sponsored by the Professional Engineers Union of Upper Canada.

School mates Gardyn Robertson and Sakyah Diabo collaborated on their display Stopping Soil Erosion and they won the Young Scientist Award.

Last December each AMBE school held their science fairs and the younger grades made Science On the Wall exhibits. Some of these were selected to be on display at the St. Lawrence High School event.


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