A Voice from the Eastern Door
The Salmon River Drama Club's annual musical production premiered over the weekend with their version of The Lion King JR, all of which had been months in the making with set designs, costumes and more, all with the help of the school's art class and students from other music classes and others. They presented their show on Friday, March 16th and on Saturday, March 17th in the Salmon River Central Auditorium.
"This was all a collaborative effort from everyone," said Dave Bish, "I picked this version of the Lion King to give every student a chance to perform and teach them to be an ensemble."
During the production, you can tell there was a lot of care and love put into each performance by each student. With a few minor hiccups here and there, the students handled it like professionals and continued on. The production reflected how important art and theater is to the students and they put on their best and were welcomed with applause and a standing ovation for everyone.
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