A Voice from the Eastern Door


In July 2018, the Government of Canada is expected to pass legislation legalizing the sale of recreational cannabis. The bill, Bill C-45, proposes to leave it up to the provinces and territories to determine how cannabis can be sold and used. It does not define a role for First Nations in the sale and use.

The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) established a Recreational Cannabis Working Task Group in September 2017 to examine the issue and ensure the community’s best interest is protected. This group is comprised of Council members, a Youth Council representative, an Elder representative, and representatives from the Departments of Health, Tehotiienawakon, Justice, Community and Social Services and the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Services. The priority of this group is to focus on recreational cannabis to research, examine and report back to Council options for consideration regarding the regulation, distribution and sale of recreational cannabis.

In order to better engage Akwesasne residents in this evaluation, an online survey was created to determine how community members feel about the regulation, distribution and sale of recreational cannabis in Akwesasne. Once the survey concludes, the Cannabis Working Task Group will share the results with Council in order to plan for the next steps.

The MCA Recreational Cannabis Survey opened on February 16 and will be open until March 16, 2018. The Recreational Cannabis Working Task Group will share the results with Council to assist them in determining the next steps. The survey is available online at https://fr.surveymonkey.com/r/TheMohawkCouncilofAkwesasneRecreationalCannabisSurvey and hard copies will also be available at the MCA General Meeting taking place on March 1, 2018 at the Kawehno:ke Community Centre. Additionally, hard copies will also be available at the Mohawk Government Building, Kanonhkwat’sheri:io, CIA #3 and Iohahi:io. Once you complete the survey, there will be a secure drop-off box at each location where you can submit it. All surveys completed will remain anonymous. Nia:wen in advanced for your survey participation.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact Mohawk Government at 613-575-2348.


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