A Voice from the Eastern Door

Lax Moms Docu-Series Premiers at the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino

A public screening was held on January 30th at the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Resort premiering the long awaited documentary series created by Akwesasne TV, "Lax Moms". Although there is still a bit of editing to do before the pilot project is released in segments on Facebook and YouTube throughout the month of February, not much will change. The public screening began at approximately 6 pm, with the screening of the entire documentary series, which lasted approximately 30 minutes. Afterwards the Executive Producer of the series, Regan Jacobs, along with her co-host Kevin Lazore, opened the floor up for discussion and feedback from the viewers. Everyone who attended was pleased with the outcome of the series.

The documentary series, "Lax Moms", follows four Akwesasne women and their families as they navigate their way through the hectic and busy lifestyle that comes with being a lacrosse player and a lacrosse mom. The series is split into several segments, with the moms speaking on different subjects that pertain to being a lacrosse mom. There is a lot of emotion in some parts as the moms speak about certain topics. There are segments where the moms offer advice to other fellow lacrosse moms. It is a breath of fresh air to know that this series will be released to the general public, and although it focuses on Akwesasne and lacrosse, anyone across the globe who has a child who plays organized sports can relate.

The moms featured in the series were present at the premier, with the exception of one. They were able to see the finished product and give their input before the series is released to the general public via Facebook and YouTube. Casie Garrow, Sherri Lazore, Summer Bero and Sandi Barnes did an excellent job in front of the camera.

The Executive Producer of the "Lax Moms" series, Regan Jacobs, was asked why she decided to create this series.

Ms. Jacobs stated, "Well, Akwesasne is always portrayed in a negative light in the news. I wanted to create something that would portray Akwesasne in a positive way. What better way to do that, than to use lacrosse."

It turned out to be a great idea, because the second season is in the works already. There is a possibility for new moms to be cast for the new season. There will be a casting call in the near future for any lacrosse moms interested in being a part of the "Lax Moms" series.


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