A Voice from the Eastern Door

Kana:takon School Will Send 16 Science Projects to United Counties Science Fair

Submitted by Elaine Thompson

The Kana:takon School held a Science on the Wall and Science Fair project competition on Thursday, December 14, 2017 which involved students from Grade 2 to Grade 6. We had a total of 6 volunteers to be judges and we would like to thank them for donating their time. We would like to thank Scott Peters, Helen Edwards, Russell True, Wes Libbey, Cathy Lalonde and April Thomas Cook.

A total of 16 winners will be sending their projects to the United Counties Science Fair. The date of the fair will be April 7, 2018 at St. Lawrence Secondary School.

For all their hard work, students were provided a pizza luncheon on January 16th, which was enjoyed by all.


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