A Voice from the Eastern Door

The Whipple Report

By Doug Kanetiio George

Report of the Special Committee to Investigate the Indian Problem of the State of New York: 

This report is commonly known as the Whipple Report, after the chairman of the Special Committee, J.S. Whipple.  The Committee was charged to investigate and ascertain the following: the social, moral and industrial condition of the tribes; the amount of land cultivated; the tribal organizations and manner in which they allot land among their tribal members; the title to the lands on their reservations; the claims of the Ogden Land Company, and of other companies or individuals; all treaties made between the state and the Indians and all treaties between the United States and the Indians; and such other matters as would aid the Legislature in future action.  The first section is a chronological survey of land deals in New York between the Indians and the whites from the time of discovery.  App. A lists the state laws relating to Indians; App. B reprints the treaties between the Iroquois and the US; App. C reprints relevant land grants; App. D reprints the treaties with the NYS; and App. E has miscellaneous papers including letters to Chairman Whipple, legal opinions on land, the amended constitution of the Seneca Nation (1968), and the copy of the deed of 1808 by which the Senecas gave the Tuscarora the land on which they were already living.

List of State Treaties & Deeds in the Whipple Report

Onondagas - Sept. 12, 1788, Agreement & Deed of Cession; Ratified by Nation June 16, 1790 - p. 190

Onondagas - Nov. 18, 1793, Release & Quitclaim - p. 195

Onondagas - July 28, 1795, Increased annuity; sold common rights retained in previous two treaties - p. 199

Onondagas - Feb. 25, 1817, Cede more of reserved lands; lease to Ephriam Webster - p. 204

Onondagas - Feb. 11, 1822, Cede more of reserve lands - p. 206

Onondagas - Feb. 28, 1829, Changed location of annuity payment - p. 208

Senecas - Sept. 12, 1815, Sale of islands in Niagara River - p. 211

Senecas - Aug. 20, 1802, Strip of land one mile wide along Niagara River from Buffalo to Stedman’s Farm, including Black Rock; state land grants to Parrish & Jones - p. 214

Seneca - Mar. 30, 1808, Deed from Senecas to Tuscaroras - p. 401

Cayugas - Feb. 25, 1789, Cede all lands but reserving 100 square miles around Cayuga Lake - p. 216; Cayuga ratification June 22, 1790 - p. 220

Cayugas - July 27, 1795, Refers to cessions made Feb. 25, 1789, confirmed June 22, 1790; makes new sessions reserving only a 2 square mile piece and a 1 square mile piece with a mine; 1 square mile reserved for individual sachem, Fish Carrier. - p. 224

Cayugas - May 30, 1807, Sale of remaining two parcels above - p.229

Cayugas (Sandusky) - Feb. 8, 1829, Changed method of annuity payment - p. 230

Oneidas & Tuscaroras - June 28, 1785, Major land cessions - p. 234

Oneidas - Sept. 22, 1788, Ceded all lands, reserving parcel for Oneida use and leasing; reserved parcels for New England and Stockbridge Indians; grants to individuals: Perache, the Kirklands, Penet - p. 237

Oneidas - Sept. 1, 1795, Instrument authorizing certain members to represent Oneida Nation - p. 241

Oneidas - Sept. 15, 1795, Further cessions of lands reserved in Treaty of Sept. 22, 1788 - p. 244

Oneidas - June 1, 1798, Further cessions with reservations for individual families (U.S. agent present) - p. 249

Oneidas - Mar. 5, 1802, Further cessions including legislative resolution acknowledging need for US ratification; State land grants to Docksteder & Kern - p. 252

Oneidas - June 4, 1802, U.S. Agent present to confirm agreement of Mar. 5th above - p. 256

Oneidas - Mar. 21, 1805, Oneida reservation partitioned between Cornelius (Pagan) and Christian parties - p. 259; Recorded Mar.10, 1807 - p. 263

Oneidas - Mar. 13, 1807, Christian Party sell part of their reserve grant to De Ferrier - p. 263

Oneidas - Feb. 16, 1809, Further cessions by Christian party with right to reside; grant to De Ferrier - p. 266

Oneidas - Feb. 21, 1809 Cession by Pagan Party with reservation for individuals - p. 269

Oneida - Mar. 3, 1810, Cessions by Christian Party - p. 272

Oneida - Feb. 27, 1811, Cessions by Christian Party - p. 275

Oneida - July 20, 1811, Cessions by Oneidas of interest in lands occupied by Stockbridge & Brother town Indians - p. 278

Oneida - Mar. 3, 1815, Christian Party cessions - p. 280

Oneida - Mar. 27, 1817, Second Christian Party cessions - p. 284

Oneida - Aug. 26, 1824, First Christian Party cessions - p. 287

Oneida - Feb. 13, 1829, First Christian Party cessions - p. 291

Oneida - Oct. 8, 1829, First Christian Party cessions - p. 293

Oneida - Apr. 2, 1833, First Christian Party cessions and agreement to remove by Nov. 1st, 1833 - p. 296

Oneida - Feb. 1, 1826, Second Christian Party (Pagan) cessions - p. 298

Oneida - Feb. 2, 1827, Orchard Party cessions - p. 301

Oneida - Apr. 3, 1830, Orchard Party cessions - p. 303

Oneida - Feb. 26, 1834, Orchard Party cessions - p. 305

Oneida - Feb. 24, 1837, Orchard Party cessions - p. 308

Oneida - June 19, 1840, First & Second Parties to sell certain parcels to state before migration to Canada; Includes emigration lists - p. 309

Oneida - Mar. 8, 1841, Further migration cessions; Including emigration lists - p. 329

Oneida - Mar. 13, 1841, Migration cessions by Orchard Party - p. 343

Apr. 1, 1841, Agreement to Migrate; Including emigration lists - p. 351

Oneida - May 23, 1842, Orchard Party of Vernon - p. 356

Oneida - Feb. 25, 1846 Missionary Lot sale - p. 363

Seven Nations of Canada - May 31, 1796, Quitclaim and release of interest in lands in NY Reserving 6 square miles at St. Regis, a square mile each reserved for the mills and meadow on the Salmon and Grass Rivers (U.S. Commissioner present, reprinted in 7 Stat. 55) - p. 366

St. Regis - Mar. 15, 1816, Sale of 1 square mile on Salmon River plus 5000 acres on the St. Regis reservation - p. 369

St. Regis - Mar. 8, 1824, Power of attorney to chiefs - p. 371

St. Regis - Mar. 16, 1824, Sale of 1 square mile for mill on Grass River - p. 372

St. Regis - June 12, 1824, 1,000 acres of St. Regis reservation - p. 374

St. Regis - Dec. 14, 1824, Confirmation of transfer of premises to Michael Hogan Oct 20, 23rd, 1817 - p. 375

St. Regis - Sept. 23, 1825, 840 acres of St. Regis reservation - p. 377

St. Regis - Feb. 21, 1845, Grass River meadow - p. 379

Mohawk Nation residing in Upper Canada - Mar. 29, 1797, Extinguishes claim to NY lands - p. 381; Proclaimed Apr. 27, 1798 (U.S. Commissioner present, reprinted 7 Stat. 61)

Source: http://www.nysl.nysed.gov


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