A Voice from the Eastern Door


Iakhihsohtha Lodge is in need of a Casual MOW Delivery Driver and a Housekeeper/Laundry worker.

MOW Driver

Delivers meals to client homes, follows professional conduct in the delivery of meals, maintains a safe environment. Must be over the age of 25 and must get a CPIC prior to starting work.

Housekeeper/Laundry Worker

To perform housekeeping duties in resident rooms and common areas, maintain a safe environment, to perform laundering of resident’s personal clothing as well as facility linens.

We will be accepting applications until November 6, 2017. If you are interested in applying for the Casual MOW Driver position, please stop by Iakhihsohtha Lodge, 95 Snye School Road. For a complete job description or further information contact Dave Oakes at (613) 575-2507 ext. 2.


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