A Voice from the Eastern Door

MCA Free Recyclables Pickup Dark Bags Unacceptable

The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Dept. of Technical Service’s Solid Waste Recycling Program is gaining momentum, but we are still experiencing some hurdles. We would like to remind the community accessing this free recycling service that it is a Single Stream Process, meaning; everything recyclable can be put into one container. However, black or dark bags are not acceptable for recyclables.

The Mixed Recycle Facility off territory where our recyclable materials are processed has expressed concern on a number of occasions that black garbage bags are being used and contain regular solid waste stream items and not recyclable materials. Please ensure you are recycling only recyclable materials.

We are also regularly seeing dark and or black garbage bags used for the recycling program. These black and or dark bags are not acceptable at the Recycle Facility.

MCA would like to remind the community that garbage and recyclable pick up in Akwesasne is FREE. However, we require partnerships with outside entities to be able to provide this free service. Please adhere to the requirements for recycling to ensure this free service can continue without further hiccups.

Please use the blue recycle bins, clear plastic bags and/or any suitable container for your recycle stream, just no dark bags. If you have to bag the recycle materials, it must to be in a ‘CLEAR’ garbage bag. Materials put out in black or non-transparent garbage bags on recycle day will no longer be collected.

Please help us keep Akwesasne clean: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Nia:wen kowa.


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Rendered 06/25/2024 00:25