It is with sincere gratitude and appreciation that the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne extends its thanks to Kawehno:ke community member Roy Delormier and DTC Trucking for a generous donation to three community initiatives.
This past summer, Mr. Delormier funded an upgrade to the A'nowara'kowa Arena playground, which was originally donated by Huey Point of Huey Industrial several years ago. The playground structure remained in solid condition, but the ground beneath it required restructuring and new stone, all of which was sponsored by Mr. Delormier & DTC Trucking.
Following the playground facelift, Mr. Delormier approached the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne requesting to assist in other community projects as a way of "giving back." The Department of Technical Services presented the Good Samaritan with a couple of upcoming needs:
The Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School playground was in need of new materials and gravel to improve the safety of the structure. Mr. Delormier has covered the full cost of completing those improvements.
The Tsiionkwanonhso:te Long Term Care Facility has been without their outdoor pavilion for some time, which had previously provided residents with a shaded area to sit while overlooking the great St. Lawrence River. Mr. Delormier has agreed to fund the full cost of a new 20ft x 30ft steel structure mini-pavilion, which will be completed as soon as possible.
The total donation amount and savings to MCA is over $20,000 for all three projects.
Mr. Roy Delormier, Darcy Delormier and the staff of DTC Trucking, we thank you for this generous donation that goes above and beyond community responsibility and sets a positive example for all Akwesasronon. This generous act will be remembered and appreciated by many for years to come. Nia:wen kowa.
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