A Voice from the Eastern Door

Tsi Snaihne School Open House

The Tsi Snaihne School hosted their first Open House of the 2017-2018 school year on Thursday, September 28th, 2017. The open house was quite different this year because the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne hosted their own open house along with Tsi Snaihne School. Parents and students would usually come in and meet with the teachers and school staff and become informed on the programs their children could participate in for the school year. This year there was plenty of extra activities for the families at all three AMBE Open Houses. This year there was bounce houses, face painting, snacks, table judging and plenty of door prizes for everyone to enjoy.

The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne hosted three Open Houses at the three AMBE School Open Houses. The first was at Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School on Tuesday, September 26th, then at Kana:takon School on Wednesday, September 27th and finally at Tsi Snaihne School on September 28th. The MCA Programs all had their own individual door prizes open to anyone to enter. You did not have to have a child attending one of the three schools to attend and enjoy the MCA Open House. To make the Open House fun for everyone, there was also Open House Table Awards for the MCA Open House. Everyone had a chance to vote for the most fun table/booth, most informative table/booth, best presenters, best decorated table/booth, people's choice/favorite overall.

This was the first time MCA partnered with AMBE during their Open House and hopefully it will not be the last. So many families were able to do something fun with their children while at the same time taking care of their children's education.



Essential Oils & Diffuser - Lyndon Lazore

Wholistic Health & Wellness

Mukluks - Heather Thomas

Department of Health

Custom Ribbon Clothing Gift Certificate - Wanita Thompson


$50 Gift Card for Restaurants & $50 Cineplex Gift Card - Ariana Johnson

$50 Gift Card for Restaurants & $50 Cineplex Gift Card - Easton Oakes

Emergency Measures Program

72-Hour Emergency Kit - Tracy Jacobs

Operation Support Program

$200 Christmas Enchantment Tickets - Amanda Jacobs

Communications Unit

Acer Tablet - Donna Arbour

Environment Program

Thompson Island stay for 6 - Janice Sharrow

Akwesasne Child Care Program

Bike/Rollerblade Combo - Kawennanoron Jock

Human Resources

Beats Wireless Headphones - Kyiah King

Economic Development

Drone - Angela King

Akwesasne Non-Insured Health Benefits

One year of Green Food Bags - Lynda Brown

Community Health

Thanksgiving Dinner with Ham or Turkey - Lori Thompson

Home Care Home Support

Tablet - Danielle Oakes

Akwesasne Family Wellness Program

Superhero basket with Movie Gift Card - Carmalita Swamp


$50 Gift Certificate 37 West (4)

Jacey Rourke

Marie Thompson

Katelynn Delormier

Vincenette Cook

Akwesasne Child and Family Services

Birthday Basket - Chris Thompson

Ionkwanonhsasetsi Adolescent Treatment Center

Wireless Headphones - Katherine David


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Rendered 03/07/2025 02:36