Submitted by PICEI, photos by Feather
Pamoja International Cultural Exchange, Inc., PICEI's events are opportunities to bring people together in order to appreciate one another for our likenesses and our differences without lecturing to you.
Our Vision is: "A world where people respect and have a better understanding of each other."
Our Mission: "To promote and inspire awareness of our connectedness."
Often, our way is by spending and sharing time together on cruises to learn about others all over the world and to represent your very own culture in ways so that others can appreciate your culture too.
Please let us know if you would like to cruise with us next year. We can share with you ways that you can do this with no or little money for your trip. Call us at 1 866 660 5116 at your convenience and leave a message if we are not there.
This year, once again PICEI had the pleasure of coordinating the Power Wheels Derby at the site of its "TEWATENNIHEH PICEI OFFICE", located in Brasher, for Akwesasne, Potsdam, and other local communities. Each year we have an event that works toward our Vision and Mission whether it is a Festival, an Art Show or something the entire family can enjoy and meet other people, like "Movies under the Stars."
The event this year was held on the last Saturday in July 2017 which was made possible by the year round volunteers of PICEI coming from Akwesasne, Brasher Falls, Brooklyn, NY and working from her sick-bed in Tallahassee, FL, Mildred Glenn, PICEI's Executive Administrator and Editor.
The PWD project in 2016 was coordinated by Phil Moulton of Brasher, who did a very good job of bringing forth this idea of the PWD project. This year's event was coordinated by Feather, she did a wonderful job with the help of her committee: Yvonne Cree, Catherine Edwards, Louis Griffin, Donald J. Hamoy, Dorothy Lundgren, Art Lyons, Helen Moller, Carl Patterson Jr. (PICEI Project Director,) Chrysetta P. Patterson, (PICEI Executive Director) Inez Cook Patterson, Linda Stanka, Vanessa Stanka, and Frank Sokolwski. The creativity of one of our newest volunteer members, Felicia (Feather) Stanka, Coordinator, who handmade the games for the children, was awesome. (More pictures of her creative toys will be published in out PICEI CONNECTED MAGAZINE, Volume 2- Issue 2015/16/17, which will be coming out this year. You will be able to download a copy for free from our website at that time.)
Inez Cook Patterson, with her great artistry, made beautiful posters to create pictures of clarity of locations of everything that day and so much more, as she was everywhere. The Butterfly Dances performed by "Lady Locket" were excellent. Both the adults and children were so pleased with her performance, they all wanted more. PICEI truly appreciated her talent, of which she donated to the cause.
The many local businesses and establishments were essential to the success of that day for PICEI, as so many events were taking place in our area at the same time, we were lucky for the turnout we had. It was their in-kind donations and monetary funds that allowed our event to take place as we work without a budget. Every fundraiser we have is spent on the projects, as none of us are salaried. For without the help of these fine establishments, we couldn't have created an atmosphere that made the children who attended the event so very happy that day. The sponsorship of the children's participation, meals, two small cars and t-shirts were the direct result of the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe and the Tarbell Management Group. PICEI is most grateful for their support. We hope in the future the other townships will assist with sponsorship of at least 10 children from their area who wish to participant from Casino funds they receive, as they do for other events in their townships. PICEI supports as many children from their towns as possible from our meek fundraising dollars.
Although it was a "POWER WHEELS DERBY" many of the children took off their shoes and t-shirts as it was a warm and beautiful day. Those that did not have a car, raced on foot. They were not going to let a "car" stop them.
All of the children received trophies, t-shirts, gifts that they selected from the many that were there monitored by Helen Moller. Other prizes were won by those who played the unique original games made and set up by Feather under the sponsorship of Inez C. Patterson. There was lots of good and current music throughout the day DJed by Carl Patterson Jr. Next year be sure to join us.
Once again PICEI would like to thank all the stores, especially: Akwesasne Mini Mart, Mohawk Plumbing, Keegan's Tobacco and Three Feathers Internet Café, that helped out with the fundraiser prior to the event with lotto/cash/vase raffle for a $5.00 donation for ten chances. There was opportunity for the winner to win up to $538,131,000.00 from the lotto tickets with a guarantee of $20.00 cash, from PICEI...We hope the winner will let PICEI know, should he have a sizable win.
For the adults, there was the Chinese Auction and the Lotto Cash. There were many lovely items on display; no items were under $25.00 in value. Joan Snyder won 4 of the 16 gifts, for her donation, Herbi Tatro won a lovely set of dishes valued @ $128.00, among several other door prizes, by staying to the end of the event. Many of the winners had not yet picked up their prize. Door prizes were provided by the Dollar General of Fort Covington for multiple items and Salmon River Center School t-Shirts, Price Chopper Malone donated cups and napkins & Price Chopper Massena gave a $10.00 gift card, Walmart of Malone gave a 10% discount off the purchase of power wheel car for the children purchased by PICEI, Cook's Greenery donated a Champagne Basket as a door prize which was won by Art Lyons. Massena's Community Bank donated an outdoor chair, Community Bank Fort Covington donated 2 backpacks, 2 solar waterproof lights, and more. Other contributors were: Dollar General of Winthrop provided water and Speedway Subway provided sandwiches for all of our volunteers throughout the day, even while carrying on their own event the same day. We are so ever grateful.
Our efforts to raise funds locally from those that we hope can benefit from their giving to our charity organization hopefully lessen the burden of the taxpayers.
Should you wish to join us on Saturday, October 7, 2017 at 4:00 PM at which time we will be having a Chinese Dinner at the "50/50 Last shall be First Raffle" event. Only 100 raffles on sale. A full ticket is $100.00, you can win up to $5,000.00 or you can buy a $10.00 segment, which allows you to win up to $500.00. Winning amount depends on the number of tickets sold. The last ticket pulled wins the money. Throughout the drawing other prizes are given. You can win a 32' SANYO TV and many other gifts for your $10.00 donation. Winners need not be present, but it is greater fun if you are there. Every ticket number will be called, all one hundred. You will know that your ticket was in the drawing. You could be a winner of one or more of the other prizes if you place your name on more than one ticket. You can donate on the web, by credit card or check. Purchase your ticket at Akwesasne Mini Mart & Cook's Greenery in Akwesasne.
Please let us know ASAP, as we have limited seating. We need to know what your favorite Chinese dish is prior. Your tax-deductible donation is only $11.00, includes dessert and bottled water. Be there, all are welcome. Play a few games with us. We look forward to hearing from you soon...
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