A Voice from the Eastern Door

Free Food Businesses Presentation Explaining Home Scale vs. Commercial Production on October 10

Cornell Cooperative Extension and the St. Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce are co-sponsoring an event to assist new and existing food businesses with navigating the regulations around producing and distributing their products. This outreach presentation will be led by John Luker from New York State Agriculture and Markets. As the Assistant Director of Food Safety & Inspection, the target audience for Mr. Luker’s talk is individuals interested in producing items for sale including but not limited to canned items, baked goods or refrigerated and frozen products. The session will focus on information that allows participants to be successful and proactive in their interactions with NYS Ag & Markets. By the end of the session, attendees will have a clear understanding of the differences between 20C Food Processing Licensing and Home Processing Registration. Additional information includes explanation of which items can be produced under each of these licenses as well as the application, labeling requirements and inspection process of 20C and Home Processing. Attendees can bring their questions about Ag & Markets oversight of value-added production.

Join us October 10th from 11am-1pm at the Extension Learning Farm 2043B State Highway 68 in Canton. This event is free and open to the public and refreshments will be served. Space is limited, reserve your spot by contacting one of the organizers Maria Flip Filippi at (315) 379-9192, ext. 229, mpf65@cornell.edu or Jo Ann Roberts at (315) 386-4000, jo@slcchamber.org.

This program is made possible with funding from the USDA for the Local Food Initiative. This grant allows Cornell Cooperative Extension of St. Lawrence County to offer technical assistance and workshops for specialty producers and food businesses in value-added production, market strategies, food safety plans and business development. A diverse range of presentations and workshops will be offered through 2018. Cornell Cooperative Extension is an employer and educator recognized for valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities and provides equal program and employment opportunities.


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