Tribal Heating Assistance and Allergan RESTASIS Patent Discussed
1. The September Monthly meeting was called to order at 10:00am and chaired by Chief Beverly Cook. Chief Cook asked for a moment of silence for those who have passed on and to pray for our relatives and friends affected by the recent hurricanes.
2. Review of previous Action items were read:
The continued investigation into the correlation and relationship between the original Elders Benefit Group and anonymous propaganda.
In Progress: As requested by a community member Tribal Council met with National Grid on July 10, 2017. Compliance is working with NG to provide information on a subsidy program.
3. Emerald Ash Borer Presentation by Aaron Barrigar
Barrigar presented the present situation on the emerald ash borer (EAB) in Akwesasne. Two weeks ago, EAB was found in a tree in the vicinity of the Tribal Council. Previously, the EAB was only found north and south of Akwesasne. The Tribe currently has in place EAB traps, Ash seed collection, and sentinel tree and ash mitigation project. They are planning to form the Akwesasne Mohawk Territory Community Response Program. They are working in conjunction with ATFE, DEC, Akwesasne Library, and USDA. They are also promoting and educating the community of “Buy It Where You Burn It”, essentially using wood from your own property. Community residents were very concerned with the finding on EAB in Akwesasne. Additional information can be found on the SRMT Website, Facebook and in Indian Time, VOL 35 #36. For more information please contact Aaron Barrigar at 518 358 5937.
4. Education Division 2017 Summer Employment by Stephanie Cook
The SRMT Education Director reported on four programs, which ran this past summer. The career Intern Program serving 29 college students and 22 high school students with a budget of $25,373.
The Career Pathways Program serving in Session One, 28 students and in Session Two 38 students with a budget of $70,703.
The Higher Education Program serving 35 graduate students and 4 undergraduate internships, who were previously ineligible for part-time summer funding. Many of these students are close to graduating. This program had as budget of $71,000.
In summary the programs served 137 youth, 88 high school students, 48 college students and one adult. This also includes the Close Up/JOM Program and JOM.
5. Heating Tribal Assistance
Elliot Lazore, SRMT Compliance Office, announced the Fall Tribal Heating Assistance is now available for those members who have completed an application or received fuel assistance in January 2017, which does not require those individuals to reapply. This allocation of fuel assistance is only available from September 11 to December 10, 2017.
Community members asked several questions in regards to the fuel assistance.
Q – Fair pricing? The Compliance Office carefully monitors the pricing of fuel. It was stated - propane is the most difficult to monitor.
Q – Where does the leftover money go?
All allotted fuel money is used, none is returned back to the Tribe.
Q – A community member raised the question of looking into setting a priority for disabled members of the community.
A community member thanked Lazore and the Compliance office for taking care of our young people during the winter months.
For more information or questions you can find information on the SRMT website, Facebook and in Indian Time VOL 35, #36, or call 518 358 2272.
6. Tribal Council Update
The Tribal Chiefs formally announced the agreement with Allergan, “In a unified statement about the agreement with Allergan, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council stated, “This is a viable and sound opportunity for the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe to enter into the patent, technology and research sector as part of our overall economic diversification strategy. We realize that we cannot depend solely on casino revenues and, in order for us to be self-reliant, we must enter into diverse business sectors to address the chronically unmet needs of the Akwesasne community; such as housing, employment, education, healthcare, cultural and language preservation.”
Under the terms of the agreement, the Tribe will receive $13.75 million upon execution of the agreement. Additionally, the Tribe will be eligible to receive $15 million in annual royalties.
Questions raised:
Q – What investment did the Tribe need to make?
A – None, zero dollars.
Q – Will this money be shared with MCA?
A – No.
Q – Will this money be shared with others, i.e. Counties, State, etc.?
A – No.
Several community members voiced their concerns about Tribal Sovereignty.
Additional questions can be found in the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ article found in this issue. Additional information can be found on the SRMT Website, Facebook and in this issue of Indian Time, VOL 35 #37.
7. SRMT Elders Benefit Working Group Update
A brief update was made on the Elders Benefit Working Group. Jim Ransom expressed they are working on a final report which will be shared at the next meeting.
8. New Business
Q – In regards to litigation with Allergan – would we (the Tribe) be held responsible?
A. We would not be responsible for anything other than ownership of the patent.
A community member made a motion that since ‘sovereignty’ of Akwesasne is for all community members; therefore Council should not be allowed to spend without the community’s consent.
The Chiefs expressed; by the Tribe’s Budget process, the Tribe can move money to Tribal General Fund (TFG).
A community member made a statement: We elect tribal leadership to do the right thing for the community. We will never get anything done if everything has to go in front of the community.
Q – This decision affects our future, how will this threaten our Tribal sovereignty?
A. ‘We are under constant threat all the time.’ ‘We run a risk all the time’. ‘We have had cuts to HUD, Environment, and health services.’
A community member expressed concern over creating a monopoly on a drug.
The Tribe is protecting the patent. The Tribe has a ‘social contract’ stating they will not raise the price or price gouge.
Q – Why us?
A. The Tribe has the resources (CFO, attorneys), its sophisticated, we are trusted and we are quick to act.
Q – We are a tax free zone – will this bring in business?
A. The security of the patent raised the stock 2%. In many ways, it can bring in business.
A community member requested a report on the update of the investigation (propaganda letters and the Seniors Benefit).
An update will be provided at the next meeting.
Q – Why are the Border Patrol in Akwesasne? I have been followed repeatedly.
A. Chief Thompson will deal with this matter. The Chiefs encouraged Tribal members to file a formal complaint with the US Border Patrol if they are being harassed or followed for no apparent reason.
A community member requested a copy of the contract with Allergan.
A redacted one will be given on request.
A community member expressed concerns about the residency questionnaire that was on the Tribe’s Facebook page. The concern was that anyone online could complete it. They also stated, there has to be a better way of presenting this questionnaire to the community.
The questionnaire was taken off the Facebook page and the questionnaire will be handed out to community members to be completed. The Tribe will hold three required public meetings.
9. Announcement - Residency Law Questionnaire has been updated.
10. Next Monthly Meeting – October 7, 2017.
11. Meeting was closed at approximately12:45pm
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