Above are the 2017 TNSLL champs the St. Regis Braves. Front, from left, Offensive Coach Troy Duddy Lyons, Angus Leborgne, Trainer Herb John & son, Torrey Bigtree, Geoff McNulty, Jake Lazore, Dalston Day, Tye Terrance, Hiana Thompson, Team Captain Brett Bucktooth and Ty Thompson. Back: Johnny Jacobs, Mike Lazore, Donny Moss, Chris George, Matt Noble, Jacob Ruest, Dwight Bero Jr., Jarett Jacobs, Tyler Brown, Derek Hopps, Kyle Lewis, Blake Kenny, Sam Bradman, Assistant Coach Trent Jacobs and Coach Chuck Brown. Other Braves personnel who were not present for the photo include Jore Phoenix, Daylin Logan, Hakta Garrow, Abby Mitchell, Mark Terrance, Jay Leaf, Dan Lazore, Tyson Square, Cody David, Tray Square, Lakota Square, Zach Hopps, Bonnie Square, JJ Square and Nick Sanseverino.
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