A Voice from the Eastern Door

Onondaga Nation School and LaFayette School Board Continue to Work Towards Solutions

Two weeks before the end of school, Onondaga Nation parents and guardians pulled their students in protest over a number of issues, including the principalship of the Onondaga Nation School.

In the latest update on the Onondaga Nation School, Wendy Gonyea, member of the Onondaga Nation Education Advisory Committee – Gaweñnahawi, stated, “We are still working on it. We presented to the Lafayette School Board, and are searching for options… meanwhile school needs to open in a month. We are talking with new Superintendent and some members of the Board. We have appealed to NYS Education Commissioner and hope for some kind of positive intervention.”

And from Jeremy Belfield, Superintendent of Schools (July 31, 2017), ‘Since my last update to the community, I have met twice with the Onondaga Nation Education Advisory Committee - Gaweñnahawi’s. This newly formed committee consists of parents, grandparents, community members, and staff who are looking to provide a link between the district, the Onondaga Nation School, and the community. The district and the committee have discussed a plan for moving forward with the opening of the school this fall. We will be meeting later this week to discuss vacant positions at the Onondaga Nation School, including a plan for an interim principal. The district has been in contact with Linda Llewellyn, retired Assistant Superintendent from Homer Central Schools. Linda is interested in serving as an interim principal at the Onondaga Nation School. The committee and the district have also been engaged in discussions about the pending contract between the New York State Education Department and the LaFayette Central School district to operate the Onondaga Nation School. From my own perspective, it appears that the committee would like to continue the relationship between the Onondaga Nation School and the LaFayette Central School District. The district is working with the committee and the New York State Education Department to establish an improved process for including the voice of the community in the operation of the Onondaga Nation School. I am grateful to the members of the Onondaga Nation community, representatives from the New York State Education Department, and to our LaFayette Board of Education members who have participated in the meetings. We look forward to continuing the conversation later this week and preparing for the upcoming school year.’


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