A Voice from the Eastern Door

Strawberry Sunday/e

Great Summer Fun Educational Opportunity

We should know where and how we get our food from. Here’s your chance and “get a taste of the country”

 Sunday, July 9, 2017

11:00am – 3:00pm

Bring the family to enjoy a day in the country.

Take a FREE farm tour of Avonmore Berry Farm and Kemmatten Dairy Farm (north of Cornwall, Ontario).

The event is free but tickets are required.

To book your free farm ticket visit: http://www.eventbrite.ca

(Exact address: http://bit.ly/2o7oawW)

Children 12 & under can get a FREE Strawberry Sundae.

Strawberry Sundae’s will be available for those 13+ at a cost of $5 per person. The Sundae’s are made from fresh Ontario strawberries and 100% Canadian quality ice cream. Proceeds from the sundae sales will go to support our local 4-H, Junior Farmer and Lions Clubs.

Everyone welcome!


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