A Voice from the Eastern Door
Dept. of Health Director Introduced, Nolan Terrance Honored & Update on Corridor
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne held its monthly general meeting on June 22nd, 2017 at the Tsi Snaihne Recreation Center. The meeting started at approximately 6:00 p.m. with a call to order, followed by a moment of silence in respect to the community members who have recently passed away.
Next was the Agenda acceptance by council, followed by rules of order.
The follow-up items were then discussed, from last month's general meeting on May 25th, 2017.
1. Nation Building will be asked to do a schedule of the planned focus meetings and other information sessions they will have with various community groups (i.e. Boys & Girls Club, Jr. High and High School students who will be of voting age in 5 years) related to the work of Entewatatha:wi.
Task: Chief Connie Lazore to Peter Garrow
2. Address speeding in the village of Kanatakon, especially MCA staff speeding within the Districts during work hours. Task: Grand Chief will ask Administration to advise staff to slow down (or face the consequences).
3. Address safety issues with Early Years playground equipment – painting scraped during installation.
Task: Chief Ryan Jacobs will reconfirm with the Program Manager if this was addressed.
4. Community requests information about what to do if they find needles on the ground, especially in the playground areas. They also suggest training for MCA teaching staff on what to do if drugs (like fentanyl, Narcon) touches your skin; and
5. Community asks about utilizing MCA staff during non-office hours before 8 a.m. or after 4 p.m.
Task: Chief Connie Lazore will provide this information to the Executive Director for Directors to consider allowing programs (i.e. social programs) to allow flex time for programs after 4 p.m. Chief Louise recommends bringing this to leadership for attention so their programs can do the same.
6. There is a concern about the fairness of application to the Community Trusts Fund, and that MCA departments received funds.
Task: Grand Chief will relay that message to them at the next meeting.
7. Tsi Snaihne District members would like to have the clinic change their SOP to allow Tsi Snaihne district members hold an appointment spot for them when they call in to the clinic to allow them time to drive to Kanatakon or Kawehnoke.
Task: Chief Karen Loran will bring this to the new DOH Director attention.
8. Members (Youth) who don't have availability to live in the three Districts request consideration of having at least one spot on the legislation commission open for a Member who does not live in the District.
Task: Grand Chief will ask ADOJ and Administration to look at that possibility.
Next on the agenda was a presentation and introduction to the new Department of Health Director, Keith Leclaire. Mr. Leclaire is originally from Kahnawake, Quebec. Mr. Leclair has devoted his life and work to First Nations health, with a strong focus on addictions. He has extensive knowledge of the system and he is eager to begin working at MCA.
Next on the agenda was a presentation by Chief Troy Thompson in regards to the new Ionkwakwenion Book of Accomplishments. Nolan Terrance was honoured for his outstanding accomplishments in wrestling. Nolan could possibly be the first Member of Akwesasne to be in the 2020 Olympics.
Next on the agenda was a presentation by Curtis Lazore on the Kawehnoke Bridge Corridor project. Mr. Lazore, along with other individuals involved with the project had previously had the same presentation at last month's general meeting. Mr. Lazore informed the community members in attendance about the history of the project, and where the project stands now. He also informed everyone about the upcoming Corridor meetings, which are open to the community. If anyone has any questions feel free to call Curtis Lazore at 613-575-2250 ext. 1044. The floor was also open to question at the end of the presentation.
Community members asked:
Will the river be utilized as a part of the project? There was previous discussion about a trail to connect AMS to the Arena, going along the river. Who owns the piers? Is a zip line possible? (The Seaway Bridge Corporation owns the piers).
Are they taking the pillars down? (There is talk of it, but funding ran out for it at this time. Cornwall wants to keep the biggest pillar).
Next on the agenda was a brief presentation on the DTS Tsi Snaihne Administration Building. The new Administration building will house several MCA departments like Dept. of Justice (not including the court), Housing and Hydro Quebec. The land had to pre-consolidate for 2 years, and the 2 years is up at the end of 2017. Construction can begin once the land has settled, and designs are completed. More community meetings will take place during the design phase
Next on the agenda was an update on the Election Law. There will be packets mailed out to the community by the third week of July. There will also be future meetings regarding the Election Law. The floor was open to questions regarding the Election Law.
Community members asked: Will there be meetings for members who don't live in the 3 districts? (Yes, it can be arranged). Will there be another survey? (There will be focus meetings, and consultation with community). Who's on the task force? (3 chiefs, Mohawk government Manager Joyce King, Leona Benedict, and George (no last name)
Section 18-amendments, is it still in play? (Yes, it is in existing Law, nothing will change until Election Law is fully enforced). What is the projected timeline? (The deadline is December 2017). What brought forth the changes? (Modernization, and to be able to run things more efficiently).
Next on the agenda was an update on the Chiefs of Ontario Wealth Creation Proposal. Akwesasne is one of the 133 communities within the boundaries of Ontario, who have been offered shares in Hydro One Co.
The OFN Sovereign Wealth LP Opportunity is beneficial for the following reason:
No cash investment is required by First Nations to participate. There is no First Nation liability for repayment of the loan. The transaction will not derogate from rights to pursue past grievances against former Ontario Hydro, Hydro One, OPG, OEFCorp and Province.
Based on the Wealth Creation Mandate discussed below, this transaction can provide long-term wealth creation for future generations of First Nations.
Timeline; December 2017 there will be an answer on whether or not all the communities agreed to this.
A Community member asked: Why are they doing it? (Because First Nations were not in the loop when the company was sold, and it directly affects the communities who have the company power lines running directly through their territory).
What does this mean for us? (The agreement will work the same as Ontario gaming, we receive 2nd largest profits because we are the 2nd largest community in Ontario. There will be future meetings, because a resolution needs to be passed).
It was stated, 'this a good deal because Hydro One is not on our land, we are not directly affected by it, but we are being offered the 2nd largest amount because of the size of our territory'.
The distribution of the money has not been decided. It is to be decided by the community. If it cannot be decided the funds will be internally restricted, like the funds received by Enbridge ($100,000 a year)
Next on the agenda was an update on the roads. Reconstruction of the roads are a priority, especially in Tsi Snaihne. The Minister of Quebec – FTQ was taken on a bus ride through some of the worst roads, to experience firsthand the condition the conditions of the road.
Next on the agenda was business from the floor, community members asked:
A community member spoke of their issues with graduating from SUNY Canton, through AMBE. They had their stipend deducted because their NYS funding paid for insurance that they need to have to attend SUNY. AMBE told them to take the money for the insurance that was paid for by a grant, and that would make up for the money lost on his stipend, at which the community member stated, 'is committing fraud'.
Answer: Since no Education portfolio was on hand; there will be a conversation with the Board of Education. Some has to be accountable.
Another community member spoke of their issues with AMBE, and not receiving funding and having to pay for their own tuition. After speaking up about it at a meeting, they got a call from AMBE stating there were several checks there for their child.
A community member stated, "You present this election law, but what is being talked about is more important. Review the Education Policy and fix it."
Answer: There will be a follow-up.
A community member asked: Why are you not standing up for your employees?"
Answer: Meetings are to let community members express their concerns, so change can be made.
A community member stated that their nephew is being charged for being around their hunting equipment when it was seized by the cops. Why is it illegal now? Everything was taken, and now we need a license to hunt?
Answer: Please speak with one of the chiefs privately about the particulars after the meeting.
A community member stated that after her extended maternity leave, her child was supposed to go to childcare. But the infant room is closing in Kanatakon. She was given the option to put her child in the Kawehnoke childcare center. Living in Tsi Snaihne, working in Kanatakon and having to bring a breast fed infant to Kawehnoke is not feasible. She was lucky enough to get her child in the Tsi Snaihne Child care center. But what about the other mothers coming back from maternity leave? What will happen to them, if they have nowhere to place the children? The Tribal daycare centers cost almost as much as the paycheck you make. Something needs to be done about this. There was no advance warning given. No one knew the infant room was closing.
Answer: We will advance this issue.
A community members asked, 'Will we be self- governing?' Does Mohawk Nation Council have a say?
Answer: We do have meetings with MNC, they used to oversee. They haven't been attending.
This has been a 10-year process, so far. Self-governance shows we are not getting proper funding, there is a huge gap between Native children on reserve and children attending a provincial school.
Next on the agenda were the resolutions.
Announcements were made on upcoming district meetings.
Kawehnoke – July 10th
Tsi Snaihne- July 12th
Kanatakon- July 17th
General meeting for July will be held in Kawehnoke on July 20th at 6:00 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:00 p.m.
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