A Voice from the Eastern Door

Peter Garrow Receives Honorary Degree from St. Lawrence College

On June 2, 2017, St. Lawrence College, Cornwall, Ontario conferred an Honorary Diploma to Peter Garrow. Four honorary diplomas were conferred at St. Lawrence College's Convocation ceremonies. The Honorary Diplomas acknowledges and celebrates the individual's long-standing contributions to their communities and dedication to the College.

Peter Garrow, along with Jeanette Despatie, received Honorary Diplomas at Convocation ceremonies in Cornwall on Friday. The 1:30 p.m. ceremony included students from the School of Applied Science and Computing, Business, Iohahi:io Akwesasne, Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship, Online and Continuing Education, and the Centre for Corporate Learning and Performance Improvement.

"These Honorary Diplomas have been conferred for the leadership these individuals have shown to their communities through volunteerism and service," said Glenn Vollebregt, President and CEO, St. Lawrence College. "We know their example of public service and giving back to their communities will be inspirational to our graduates as they embark on their futures."

Peter Garrow, Bear Clan, Akwesasne has served as the Director of Education for the Assembly of First Nations and the Director of Education for the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education. He has recently worked to develop (and teach), two First Nations Studies courses to be delivered as part of the General Arts and Science program, archaeology, at the IOHAHI:IO campus of St. Lawrence College.

At a young age, Garrow worked at his grandfather's french fry stand and mowing lawns at the lacrosse field in Hogansburg. Never did he imagine he would become one of the most influential First Nations rights advocates that he is today.

After serving in the US Air Force, he landed a job at the Native North American Traveling College. Surrounded by Akwesasne's respected Elders and Traditional leaders, he began his defining journey about the truth about Indigenous people, our history, our tradition and contributions to the world.

Garrow stated, "I read so much about our people and I wanted to somehow change how we were depicted."

His list of accomplishments are long.

He now chairs the Ontario Public School Board Association Native Trustee Council, in addition to teaching the course he developed at Iohahi:io and works full time at a Coordinator for MCA's Entewatathawi (We Will Govern) Program.

He is champion for Shannen's Dream and Jordon's Principle, foundations driven to improve the health and well being of First Nation's children.

Out of the workplace, Garrow was inducted into the Akwesasne Lacrosse Hall of Fame in 2010 for his contributions to lacrosse coaching and lacrosse stick building when he was manager of the former lacrosse stick factory on Kawehnoke.

In 2012, he received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in recognition of several high profile First Nations education related accomplishments, which included new education policies while he was Director of Education for AFN and his ground breaking work as Director of Education at AMBE.

In 2013, he received Rotary International's highest honor receiving the Paul Harris Award for recognition of his selfless community service to build community relations.

In receiving his honorary diploma, Mr. Garrow returned the honor to Akwesasne's youth, stating, "The honor really goes to them. I just hope I played a little part in their wanting to continue their education".

He added, "People always say to my students that these are your best years, but I always say to them, 'No, they aren't. If you continue on the path you're on now, your best years are still to come'".

The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne congratulates Peter Garrow. "Mr. Garrow has lead a long and distinguished career in the realms of education and First Nations governance. He has formerly served as the director for the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education, and he is presently MCA's Entewatathawi (We Will Govern) Program Coordinator, leading the education process for Akwesasne self-governance. Nia:wen kowa to Mr. Garrow for his contributions to Akwesasne and congratulations on a well-earned honor from SLC."


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