A Voice from the Eastern Door
Submitted by Diane McDonald
Akwesasne – On Friday, April 28, 2017 CKON Radio hosted an adult Sock Hop with a 50's and 60's theme at the former IGA building on Route 37 in Akwesasne. The idea for an adult sock hop came from adults visiting the station and saying how much they loved music and loved to dance but really didn't have any place to go. In January, when CKON was planning activities for the 2017 Akwesasne Winter Carnival the idea for a 50-60's style dance was bounced around and it was finally decided to host a "Sock Hop." A sock hop is a familiar dance concept for baby boomers. After much brainstorming between the Akwesasne Communication Society and the CKON staff, it was agreed there would be a Sock Hop with a 1950's and 60's theme including dance contests to make the evening fun. After all, everybody loves a little competition. CKON wanted to create a "date night" feel to the sock hop and therefore decided to have an adult only dance to give parents a night out just for themselves. At the end of the evening everybody agreed they'd had fun and were asking when the next dance would be!
The Akwesasne Communication Society and CKON Management would like to thank the following for helping make the CKON Adult Sock Hop a successful event:
• The Akwesasne Communication Society for their approval and support. Also thank you to those board members who attending the dance for security purposes.
• Reen Cook for loading all the 50-60's music played at the Sock Hop.
• Daniel "HighTower" Warrior for designing the flyers and graphics for the dance and for taking the lead on ordering the sound system equipment required to host such an event.
• Roger Mitchell for the loan of his lighting.
• J & J Insurance for helping us secure insurance for the event.
• To the vendors for setting up at the dance and selling their crafts, food and refreshments.
• To the dance contest judges: Barbara A. Lazore, Junior Ransom, Stacey Holcomb, Catherine Cook and Rosemary Bonaparte.
• To Rudy Hart, Allen Hart, Vicki Wood and Watshennine for providing security.
• Thank you to the Tribal Compliance Department, Courtney Jacobs in Tribal Administration and Nelson White and his crew for assisting with the building.
• Thank you to the Tribal Waste Transfer station for providing trash removal.
• CKON thanks all those who assisted in the cleanup after the dance: Stacey & Tracy Holcomb, Vicki Wood, Rudy and Allen Hart, Colby Smoke, Vince, Gina and Sidney Thompson, and last but not least the CKON staff.
• Thank you to Amber McDonald who won the 50-50 raffle and donated the money to the dance contest judges.
• Thank you to Ryan McDonald for transporting all the sound system equipment.
If CKON has forgotten to mention somebody it is not intentional. With all the support and positive feedback CKON has received for the Sock Hop we will definitely be looking to host similar events in the coming months. Keep listening to CKON for details.
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