A Voice from the Eastern Door

Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Elders Benefit Working Group


December 3, 2016

Question #3: “Do you support a $200 monthly benefit be paid to Tribally enrolled American resident elders 62 years old and older within the 15-mile radius, which is the established guidelines of the SRMT, for achieving and/or maintaining financial stability for their health, education and welfare?”

On December 13, 2016, the Election Board certified results as: Yes – 385; No – 150; Void – 0; Spoiled – 2.

Tribal Monthly Meeting

December 10, 2016

Tribal Council determined that a Working Group comprised of community members, would be in the best interest of the Tribe to follow-up on the affirmation of the above referendum question. A community callout was distributed, seeking tribal members to volunteer for the SRMT Elders Benefit Working Group.

A motion was made from the floor by Pat Thomas: The nine (9) members of the Seniors Benefit committee responsible for bringing forward the Elder Benefit Referendum becomes the selection committee to select members for the Elders Benefit Program Working Group to work in unity with the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council to get the process moving; it was seconded by Ruth Bell. Vote: For – 23; Against – 0; Abstentions –13. CARRIED

January 7, 2017

Chief Cook presented the PowerPoint titled, “Update: Referendum Question on a Seniors Benefit.” Following the meeting, the presentation was posted to the SRMT website and Facebook Page for the community to view and made available at the February Tribal Meeting.

Work Session

December 21, 2016

Chairperson Chief Thompson read the December Monthly Meeting Action Items and the motion from the floor made by Pat Thomas. Tribal Council reported that the process to follow-up with the motion was ongoing.

Tribal Council Meetings with Seniors Benefit Committee

December 23, 2016 - Initial meeting was held to discuss the referendum results and the motion made at the December Tribal Meeting.

December 30, 2016 - The Seniors Benefit Committee requested a deadline for callout submissions. Tribal Council updated the callout with deadline of January 27, 2017.

January 6, 2017 - The Seniors Benefit Committee recommended seven (7) names to Tribal Council for the Working Group.

February 3, 2017 - Tribal Council met with the Senior Benefit Committee to discuss and deliberate on candidates for Tribal Council to appoint the Elders Benefit Working Group.

SRMT Elders Benefit Working Group

The administrative processes associated with fulfilling eligibility requirements for candidates was delayed due to recommendations from the Seniors Benefit Committee. In order to move the process forward in a timely manner, Tribal Council offered conditional appointments to two other candidates.

Tribal Council adopted the SRMT Elders Benefit Working Group Terms of Reference and appointed the following seven (7) tribal members: Brayden Sonny White, James Ransom, Diane Boots, Chessie Thomas, Gary Burnham, Dorothy Costello, and Lois Thomas, to the Elders Benefit Working Group, per TCR 2017-18 and TCR 2017-20.

The initial meeting of the SRMT Elders Benefit Working Group will be held this month. A regular meeting schedule will be determined by the Working Group and updates will be provided to the community on their progress.


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