A Voice from the Eastern Door

Akwesasne Housing Authority Presents New AmeriCorps VISTA Partners

The AmeriCorps VISTA presentation took place at the Akwesasne Housing Authority Training Center, on April 4, 2017. The Akwesasne Housing Authority has partnered with the AmeriCorps Vista program to help the community with some of the issues Akwesasne faces. AmeriCorps Vista (Volunteers in Service to America) supports communities across America helping individual community efforts to overcome poverty and other major issues. As for Akwesasne, they are focused on the lack of sustainable housing. The 2-hour presentation and discussion included plans the Akwesasne Housing Authority has for two parcels of land on the west end of Akwesasne. One parcel is 42 acres, with plans to build homes which will be available for ownership by Akwesasne residents. There is also a separate 28-acre piece of land, which will become a multifaceted rental neighborhood. One main focus is building a green neighborhood.

With this project comes many opportunities for the community. Right now, there are three positions open to become a VISTA for a one-year term, with the possibility to go up to three years. To become a VISTA would mean making a difference in Akwesasne. The successful candidates would be involved in many different projects. To become a VISTA would take commitment, because it is not like any ordinary job. The individual would get a paid $990.00 U.S monthly, but this income would not affect any government benefits the individual may be receiving. For example, a single mother on SNAPS would be able to take one of the positions and still receive SNAPS while receiving the income from the VISTA program. The VISTA program also offers childcare, dental and medical benefits to name a few. Some people may think of it as an educational experience with the same pay as being a college student. With this position comes many opportunities, not only will the individual gain experience for future employment, they will get a leg up with any federal government employment. Anyone can apply to become one of the three VISTA's, as long as they are 18 and older. They do criminal background checks, but that doesn't mean anyone with a record will be excluded. If you or someone you know would be a good fit for one of these positions, you can get more information from the Akwesasne Housing Authority by calling 518-358-9020 or apply directly at http://www.vistacampus.gov.


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