A Voice from the Eastern Door
By Joey Tehoronio David
Business is competition. It is risking our survival where everything is interconnected with social values in nature, economics and psychology. For Man, the highest value of survival is in the mind, is to have more than others and competitiveness. If our actions is to continue to out do each other then we will fail the next Seventh Generation. We are at a crossroad to continuation of life. We know that there is a forkway in the milkyway because it is the mind as well.
The Whiteman brother tried so hard to assimilate us and wipe us away from the face of the earth though discrimination and genocide. They realized that they could control us by education and making us to conform to their likeness. Also, by demeaning and diminishing the importance of our way of life- culture, beliefs and language. Their plan was to “kill the Indian and save the man”. They didn’t want us to love, unite and be kind to one another. They wanted us to feed the wolf of fear and separation from the pack and be competitive. They wanted us to fight one another for survival rather than respect one another.
Our ancestors taught us how to work together and to help each other to get our needs meant and to cooperate with one mind to achieve power and strength, if we were going to survive. At one time we all grouped together into clan fires or families. We were inspired by the things in nature that create and maintain harmony. Like in nature a colony of ants, a pool of fish, a herd of buffalo and flock of birds. Working to bring together and develop social and positive relationship that creates freedom and happiness. We all should belong to a clan group and help each other during times of losses, disease, sickness to restore harmony and peace of mind. Each group of clans represented the replacement of (minds on the ground) negative emotions with (minds that are standing) positive emotions to overcome grief, hurt or pain.
Human beings can change the way they think if we become aware that we are all connected and want to have a mutual relationship with each other. If human beings want power and control, then that means the balance will be shifted way off and nature our Mother the Earth will not support. For instance, Christian ideas were to have mankind fill, subdue earth and rule over it and dominate every living thing or creature that moves upon it. In contrast, Native people believe mankind does not have power over it but, have respect for every living thing because it has spiritual power and believe that we are the least important in Creation.
The primary goal of human conscious is mostly to rape the Mother Earth and extract all the resources from her to feel worth or valued something. This is the ideas of the corporations is to have endless amounts of money, wealth and material possessions which is selfishness and greed to the fullest. Most of us in one way or other are all consumers that feed this system that demands fossil fuels and mining minerals. Who controls business profits, controls the World and the value of currency. The richest elite families are the most powerful on the hierarchy that want to continue to mentally enslave us and harness our minds though habits willing and unwillingly which would withdraw our consent to freedom. Selling our rights and turning ownership of our children over to a corporate country is big business. We, the Humans Beings have become dependent on competitiveness and business for our survival.
Change is necessary. Worldview of Man needs transformation of moral ethical values, thinking, behaving and to redefine what it is to be a (Okwe’honwe) Human Being. We need sustainable clean living which is environmentally safe and nurturing to us as well as our Mother the Earth. We can all benefit from the old system that was given to us by the Peacemaker with the beliefs and values of the Great Law. Its values can contribute to the evolution and growth of human consciousness to restore balance and harmony. The rewards of unity of giving and sharing can change every level of the World network. Everyone can be considerate, kind, and respectful to create justice and equality. We can work together to promote positive emotions from the Heart to influence each other to change this network collectively. It sounds too simple but can be done by how people think and behave today. Being aware now in the present moment creates peace of mind and a better future. The 8th fire prophecy of the Anishnabe say we are at this fork in the road and now need to act responsibly with the intent of spirit for eternal peace, harmony and a New Earth rather than Materialism and Destruction. Earth can only take so much of the abuse until she decides to shift to a New Era because man failed again to reach a higher level of consciousness.
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