A Voice from the Eastern Door

St. Regis Mission News

Mass Intentions March 10th-16th

Fri., March 10/17 - 12:10 pm. Offered for Marie Mitchell Smith - Memorial Mass. From the funeral collection.

Sat., March 11/17 - 4:00 pm. Anticipated Mass. Offered for Elwyn ‘JoJo’ Jackson - Memorial Birthday (Mar. 16 actual). Requested by Liz Sunday and Marilyn Tarbell.

Sun., March 12/17 - 10:00 am. Holy Mass. Offered for Margaret M. Jacobs - Memorial Mass. From the funeral collection.

Tues., March 14/17 - 6:00 pm. Offered for Hubert Rourke - Memorial Mass. From the funeral collection.

Wed., March 15/17 - 10:00 am at Iakhihsohtha Lodge. Offered for Anthony Jackson Jr. - Memorial Mass. From the funeral collection.

Thurs., March 16/17 - 12:10 pm. Offered for Ida Thomas - Memorial Mass. From the funeral collection.

First Communion class schedule:

St. Kateri Center - Thurs. March 16 at 6 pm

AMS School - Tues., March 14 at 2:30 pm (immediately following regular school hours).

Confirmation class schedule: Wed., March 15 at 6:00 pm at the St. Kateri Center.


ABSTINENCE: All Catholics who have reached their 14th birthday are bound to abstain from meat on the following days: Ash Wednesday and All the Fridays of Lent (March 10, March 17, March 24, March 31, April 7, April 14).

FASTING: All Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 are bound to observe the Law of Fast on the following days: Ash Wednesday (March 1) and Good Friday (April 14). Fasting means eating less and involves limiting oneself to a single full meal and avoiding food between meals. A light nourishment may be taken on two other occasions in the course of the day.

EASTER DUTY: All Catholics who have reached the age of reason must confess their serious sins in the Sacrament of Penance at least once a year. They must also receive Holy Communion at least once a year between the First Sunday of Lent (March 5) and Trinity Sunday (June 11).

PRAYER & PENANCE: The 40 days of Lent should be observed in a spirit of prayer and penance. Attending daily Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Family Rosary, spending extra time in prayer and Bible Study, Stations of the Cross, voluntary self-denial, combined with works of charity (such as forgiveness of injuries, visiting the sick, helping neighbors in need, contributing food and clothing to the poor) are all excellent ways to obey the Lord’s command to reform our lives and to prepare for the joyful celebration of Easter on April 16.


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