Honor Roll Students. Top Row: Naveah Sharrow, Gracie Jackson-Laughing, Laila Cook, Zachary Oakes Jr., Kahiio Mitchell, Ivan Loran, Kamri King, Jayla Keysis, Ruckus Gray, Chuya Cook, Travayla Back, Theresa Bush, Arrow Adams, Joey Phillips, Orahkwinon Thompson, Kaide Sunday and Tia Terrance. Middle Row: Jordin Phillips, Stormy Casey, Josiah Benedict, Sophia Angus, Charleigh Jacobs, Jaylene Johnson, London Lazore, Teaghan Lazore, Lexi Mitchell, Ieniehtanawentha Sharrow, Naylon Sharrow, Quentin Phillips and Darla Skidders. Bottom Row: McKenzie Francis-Chubb, Jericho Chrisjohn, Makyrie White, Kakwitene Thompson, Trey Point, Alexia Mitchell, Alantra Peters, Tewatahsatarakie David, Kyle Cuillerier and Ivori Thompson. Missing from photo: Jay Montour, Cruz Lazore, Tessa Laffin, Chris Massaro, Ivan Swamp, Leland Jacobs, Louie McDonald, Akenhiio Lazore and Jayleigh McDonald.
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