A Voice from the Eastern Door

St. Regis Mission News

Mass Intentions December 2nd-8th

Friday, December 2/16 - 12:10 pm. Offered for Sandra Terrance - Memorial Mass. From the funeral collection.

Saturday, December 3/16 - 4:00 pm. Anticipated Mass. Offered for Catherine Cook - 2nd Anniversary. Requested the Elizabeth and Norman Tarbell.

Sunday, December 4/16 - 10:00 am. Holy Mass and Children’s Mass. Offered for Mitchell and Theresa Phillips, and Crystal Phillips - 23rd and 22nd Anniversary. Requested by the Family.

Tues., December 6/16 - 6:00 pm. Offered for O’Donald Odie Laffin - Memorial Birthday (Dec. 8). Requested by Dr. Danielle Dubuc & Staff.

Wed., December 7/16 - 12:10 pm. Offered for Derek P. Cook - 12th Anniversary. Requested by his parents, Ron and Millie Cook.

Thurs., December 8/16 - 9:30 am. Mass at Tsiionkwanonhso:te Adult Care. Offered for Wilfred Bova - Memorial Mass. From the funeral collection.

Baptism Seminar - next session is Tues. December 13, 2016 at 5:30 pm at the St. Kateri Center. Please pre-register by completing a registration form before attending the seminar, and provide a copy of the child(ren)’s Birth Certificate.

First Communion class schedule: at St. Kateri Center - Thurs. Dec. 8th at 6 pm; AMS school, Tues., Dec. 6 at 2:30 pm (immediately following regular school hours).

Confirmation class schedule: at St. Kateri Center - Wed., Dec. 7th at 6 pm.

Altar Servers Training - The first training session will take place Sat., Dec. 10 at 10:00 am in the Church. If there is still interest in signing up, please call the rectory at 613-575-2753.

Tree Lighting - The St. Regis Church received a large, beautiful Christmas Tree. A special Tree Lighting ceremony will take place on Saturday, Dec. 10th, at the 4 pm Mass. Parishioners and families are invited to bring and hang a memorial ornament on the tree in memory of their loved one. The tree will remain until the conclusion of the Christmas season.


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