A Voice from the Eastern Door
Mass Intentions September 1st-8th, 2016
Thursday, September 1 and Friday, September 2 - No Masses.
Saturday, September 3/16 - 4:00 pm. Anticipated Mass. Offered for Norman Tarbell Sr. - Memorial Birthday; Margaret Tarbell - Memorial Mass; David Tarbell - 3rd Anniversary; Donna VanEvery - 10th Anniversary. Requested by Lisa Tarbell.
Sunday, September 4/16 - 10:00 am. Holy Mass and Children’s Mass. Offered for Daniel and Loveday McDonald - Memorial Mass. Requested by Truman Wood.
Tuesday, September 6/16 - 6:00 pm. Offered for Julia Thomas - Memorial Birthday. From the funeral collection.
Wednesday, September 7/16 - 12:10 pm. Offered for Angus Adams - Memorial Mass. From the funeral collection.
Thursday, September 8/16 - 9:30 am at Tsiionkwanonhso:te Adult Care. Offered for Helen Cole - Memorial Mass. From the funeral collection.
Niawenko:wa/Thank you to Father John Downs (Father Jack) for presiding at our weekend masses and funerals during the month of August. It is always a great pleasure having you in our Church. We welcome home Father Jerome Pastores as he returns on September 1st, after a month’s vacation. We pray that he is well and rested.
Baptism Seminar - next session is Tues. September 13, 2016 at 5:30 pm at the St. Kateri Center. Please pre-register by completing a registration form before attending the seminar, and provide a copy of the child(ren)’s Birth Certificate.
URGENT REMINDER: INSPIRE, Called to Love, Vocations Summit in Lake Placid, September 25, 2016 - if you wish to attend, you must register online, and the deadline to register is September 9, 2016. If you are not able to register online, please obtain a registration form in the Church and Laura will help you register. Please call the rectory at 613-575-2753 or St. Kateri Center at 518-358-2931 for assistance.
St. Kateri Tekakwitha Center (Kateri Hall) is missing 1 white folding table - 8 ft. length. If you have information, please call 518-358-2931 or 613-575-2753. Thank you.
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