A Voice from the Eastern Door

TENDER Anowara'kowa Pavilion Construction Request

Tender to be provided in a sealed envelope and clearly marked as to the contents, will be received by Mr. Joseph Francis, Senior Maintenance Manager, Department of Technical Services, Cornwall Island Administration Building No. 3, Cornwall Island, Ontario K6H 5T3, Telephone (613) 575-2250 ext. 1004, until:

11:00 AM, Local Time, Wednesday, August 31, 2016

On the same day, commencing at 11:05 AM local time, the tenders will be opened and read publicly at the Cornwall Island Administration Office #3 on Cornwall Island.

The work consists of the excavation, granular placement, compaction, concrete works, installing electrical underground conduits, painted steel structure, wood joist roofing finished with metal roofing materials, hand railings and finishes as outlined in drawings A.1 and A.2 as well as identified in the tender documents.

Drawings may be obtained from Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, Cornwall Island Administration Building No. 3, Cornwall Island, Ontario.

Evaluation of all tenders will follow the Tendering Policy of the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, which is intended to increase the participation of local and other Aboriginal businesses in construction and materials supply contracting.

Tenders are subject to a formal contract being prepared and executed. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all tenders and the lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Bidders/Contractors must submit proof on insurances both Construction/General Liability as well as Workers Compensation Insurance under WSIB.

Any questions in regards to the tender are to be directed to Joseph Francis for the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne at (613) 575-2250 extension 1004 or by cellular at (613) 930-3296.


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