A Voice from the Eastern Door
Re: Indian Time, dated August 4, 2016, page 24
The Sacrifice of the mass is universal; it’s the same all over the world.
The response and affirmation from the congregation can be and may be in the dialect or language of those attending the mass.
Originally, here in St. Regis, the Latin language was used. Then the English later and now.
Reverend W. K. Jacobs SS a Mohawk said mass in Latin but preached in the Mohawk native language.
The Choir sang in the Native Language but the music was Gregorian chant.
Definition of Gregorian chant:
After Pope Gregory I (540-604) is the music un-harmonized, unaccompanied liturgical plainsong of R.C. Church, introduced by Pope Gregory I.
I am sharing this with you, its early recollection.
Any questions call me at 613-575-2001.
Beatrice A. Lazore
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