By Jennifer Herne, LVT
Who doesn't like kittens? Right now we are towards the end of kitten season. You might ask if there is such a thing as kitten season. Yes, sadly there is. In the animal shelter world this is a time when shelters are overrun with kittens and cats. You may have noticed everyone trying to get rid of kittens right now, I sure have noticed. It is sad that kittens are getting dumped at dead end roads, at barns or even in the yards of people. Most people are nice and will help the poor kitten, but what happens to those kittens that don't get help?
First, let me give you some advice about cats. They can reproduce, or come into "heat" as early as five months of age. Most people toss the cat outside because the female cat in heat will meow so loudly that it becomes annoying, and she will stick her back end up in the air. When she goes outside there is no doubt that there is a male cat around somewhere who will breed with her. She comes back home and is quiet and the owner is happy. Well, two months later she will have kittens. That's right! A cat is pregnant for only 2 months! And the next scary thought is she can go into heat right after having kittens. So if you do the math, a cat can have up to 4 litters per year! If you imagine all of those kittens growing and having kittens, the numbers are astounding.
So, the point of my story is please, please spay and neuter. I have a program for residents of Akwesasne and Fort Covington that helps pay to get your cats spayed and neutered. Getting your cat spayed or neutered is part of being a responsible pet owner. Many people tell me they want the kids to witness the birth of kittens or that their cat needs to have one litter to feel fulfilled. No, these are not good reasons and a cat definitely does not need to have kittens to feel fulfilled. Instead, why don't you take your kids to an animal shelter or cat rescue and volunteer to spend time with the cats and kittens who don't have homes. You may think twice about not having your cat spayed or neutered.
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