Computer Networking and Technical Support Diploma. Front Row: Jade Smoke, Rikki Square, Karla Cook, Takarakoten Cook and Sierra Delormier. Middle Row: James Lafrance, Preston Francis Mitchell, Anthony Barnes, Sophia Thompson and Ilona Thompson. Back Row: Cole Adams, Bryce Thompson, Derrick Herne Oakes, Donna Benedict-Lazore, Scott Leaf, Shane Jamieson and Kirby Watson.
General Construction and Carpentry Techniques Certificate. Front: Tiffany Johnson, Evan Adams and Jennifer Johnson Thomas. Back Row: Kawoniote Fox, Chad Laffin, Kristian Smoke and Don Jacobs.
Business Human Resources Diploma. Front: Sarahlee Skidders. First Row: Dodie Smoke, Jessie Jayanne Lafrance, Brooke Mitchell, Michelle Ransom and Sandra Delormier. Back Row: Kirsty Lafrance, Elizabeth Lazore, Konwahentawi, Rene Garrow and Dari Gibson Oakes.
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