A Voice from the Eastern Door

Akwesasne Invited to "Take Back the River" With the Great St. Lawrence River Cleanup 2016

An Invitation from the Upper St. Lawrence River Protection Network Partners

Greetings/ She:kon Friends of the St. Lawrence River,

This summer we are tackling a series of 5 In-River and Shoreline Clean-ups on the St. Lawrence River at Cornwall.

Planning for the Great St. Lawrence River Cleanup 2016 is underway and we need your help to take back the Great River.

Over the past months the general public as well as the Upper St. Lawrence River Protection Network (an association of 20+ River related organizations and individuals) have noticed that our beautiful River is being damaged because of debris being discarded into the water and along shorelines. This is not only harmful to our fish and wildlife, this kind of damage can pose harm to human health as well.

We are taking back the River, reclaiming it for drinking water, fishing, swimming, and recreation. Divers, anglers, and other River volunteers are banding together to tackle the rubbish in the River.

• Gray’s Creek Marina Saturday, June 18

• River Institute Saturday, July 9

• Akwesasne July 27

• Cornwall Harbour Saturday, Aug. 13

• Lamoureux Park Friday, Sept. 16

Cleanup Hours: 9 am - 1 pm

*Akwesasne (9am - 4 pm) for details contact MCA Environment Program (613-575-2250).

BBQ afterwards for all registered volunteers and each volunteer will receive a Cleanup T-shirt

Will you help us Take Back the River?

Each Cleanup Session will need specific volunteers. Categories include Waste Sorters, Shoreline Cleanup, BBQ /Food Preparation, Education Tent, and Volunteer Registration Booth. Please feel free to attend our Information Session and find out more.

Information Session & Volunteer Orientation - Thursday, June 9 (6:30 pm) @ Schnitzels Restaurant (158 Pitt St, Cornwall)

For more information or to volunteer contact:

Karen Cooper – [email protected]

Mesha Boyer – [email protected]

(613) 936-6620 (ext. 229)

Link: http://riverinstitute.ca/the-great-st-lawrence-river-cleanup/


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