A Voice from the Eastern Door


The National Child Benefit Reinvestment Fund Committee will be accepting proposals for new or continuing projects for the new fiscal year from April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017.

The National Child Benefit Reinvestment Fund (NCBR) is an initiative that supports low-income children and families. All projects must be based on the following three objectives:

• To help prevent and reduce the depth of child poverty

• To provide employment incentives to ensure low-income families with children become more self-sufficient

• To reduce overlap and duplication through simplifying the administration of benefits for children

Eligible NCBR Fund projects fall into five broad activity areas:

1. Child Care

2. Child Nutrition

3. Cultural Enrichment

4. Support for Parents

5. Home-to-Work Transition

PLEASE NOTE, “National Child Benefit Reinvestment Initiative Standards and Guidelines” will not allow the NCBR Initiatives to approve sports and recreation teams. The funding has been earmarked specifically to meet the needs of low-income children, youth and their families who fall under the mandate of the NCBR Program.

Applications for the NCBR Fund can be picked up at the office of the Department of Community and Social Services. Located on the 3rd floor in the Kanonhkwatsheri:io Health Facility in the village of Kanatakon, during regular business hours of 8am to 5pm.

Should you have any questions or require assistance with completing the NCBR Proposal, please contact Shealene Gibson, A/Executive Assistant at the Department of Community and Social Services (613) 575-2341 ext. 3305.

Deadline for Application Submission will be Monday, May 9, 2016 at 3:00 p.m.

Faxes will not be accepted, ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS!


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