A Voice from the Eastern Door

Walk Shows Support for Attawapiskat

After an increasing number of young people attempted to take their lives in a remote northern Ontario First Nation last week, the chief and council of Attawapiskat declared a state of emergency on April 9, 2016. The suicide epidemic in Attawapiskat started in the fall, when a number of youth attempted suicide. Since gaining national attention and visits from national, federal and provincial leaders, promises have been made to make permanent and lasting changes from a "third world" community to a positive place to live. Attawapiskat is not the only Aboriginal community to face such a crisis, Native communities across Canada face similar situations.

The suicide rate among Canadian aboriginal young is among the highest in the world, noting young aboriginal males in Canada are 10 times more likely to die by suicide than other young Canadian males and that the rate for aboriginal females is over 21 times higher. In Nunavut (Inuit) alone, more than 1,000 attempted suicide calls each year occur in a territory of just over 30,000 people.

As news reached Akwesasne about Attawapiskat, Akwesasne community members immediately thought – "what can I do to help?" A local group of young women, teens and children have been organizing meetings, taking ideas and suggestion via social media. On Saturday, April 9, 2016, a group of about 35 participated in Walk for Attawapiskat. They also held a candlelight vigil afterwards.

A meeting was held on Wednesday, April 20, at Generations Park at 6pm, from there they will build a strategy for short and long range plans to assist Attawapiskat in rebuilding the mental and emotional health of Attawapiskat.You can also find information on how to help Attawapiskat on Support for Attawapiskat on Facebook.

This was a post on Facebook;

Good Morning- this is a group to assist in organizing supplies to send to Attawapiskat. We will be planning a way to ship, collect, and distribute items to our brothers and sisters in need. All comments, contributions, and ideas are welcome! Here are the main ideas so far-

- Art Supplies and Toys

- Book Drive with letters inside

- Lacrosse sticks & other sports equipment

- Food Drive with candy from holidays

- Building Equipment

- Funding for Drive then Flight for Shipping of all

As well, the Support for Attawapiskat group held a boot drive to raise funds on Wednesday, April 20, 2016. The boot drive was held from 4pm to 6pm at the crossroads on Kawehnoke. As of press time, the boot drive was just under way and the amount raised was unavailable.


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