A Voice from the Eastern Door

For a Healthier and Better 2016

It’s OK and a great idea to dream big, but it’s also a smart idea to build realistic steps to reach that goal. Case in point: if you only go for a 1-mile run once per month or consider yourself to be a beginner runner, then it’s not recommended to make a goal of completing a half marathon next month.

Instead, think about having a goal to complete a 5K race next month (walk or run) or even push back your half marathon goal to the end of the year allowing yourself significant time to properly train and prepare your body in a healthy, steady way.

Give yourself some grace when setting goals. Instead of setting a resolution to go to the gym every single day, set a goal to go to the gym 2 – 3 times per week. Or maybe shoot to stay active for at least 15 minutes per day including going to a group fitness class 1-2 times per week. Also consider smaller health or nutrition-related goals like drinking more water every day or eating less sugar.

Most importantly, set goals that are realistic to your lifestyle – your availability, schedule, personality traits, likes and dislikes – and you will be much more likely to stick to, and achieve, those goals!

But do you know one of the greatest things about new years... It brings along with it opportunities for fresh starts, opportunities to try something new, opportunities to improve on something. That’s the reason we all set goals and New Year resolutions.

No matter what goals we decide to set. It has to include our health and wellbeing. Here are 8 realistic health goals for 2016 that are easy to achieve…

1. Improve Your Nutrition

Improving your nutrition has to be the no. 1 health goal for 2016. Do you know why? Because “You are what you eat” and if you want to make an all round improvement it should begin with proper dieting.

How can you achieve this goal?

One way we can improve our nutrition is to eat more fresh fruits and fresh vegetables, locally grown and organic if possible. The health benefits that we gain cannot be overemphasized.

Try to incorporate this goal by adding more chopped veggies into your meals. Another one is to lessen our intake of processed red meat in 2016 . The health risks associated with eating processed red meat regularly is increasing, so tell yourself “I will eat less processed red meat in 2016”. Say it again and louder. Again try buying organic and locally sourced red meat that way you’ll know how the animal was raised. Fish would be a great substitute. So keep everything moderate.

2. Engage in More Physical Activity

A healthy body has to be engaged in physical exercise. If you spent 2015 always driving or sitting for eight hours at work - its time to use your legs. Taking more frequent walks will go a long way in keeping you in healthy shape. Tell yourself “I will engage in more consistent physical activities in 2016”. In fact tell your family, friends and neighbors, “ I will exercise more in 2016”.

If you are overweight and you desire to lose weight in 2016, make plans to exercise regularly in 2016. Register for fitness and weight loss programs. There are many gyms in the area that sound intimidating but once inside, trainers will work with you to meet your goals for 2016. Make it your number one health priority this year and you’ll see results.

3. Rest and Sleep More

In the coming year you should try to create more space to get adequate sleep and rest. Living in this world is always hectic, work and challenges won’t give us time to sleep or rest.

How can you achieve this goal?

Here’s the trick, if you keep on looking for time to rest and sleep your won’t find that time. The key is to create time. Make plans that will give you the chance to recharge.

You see sleep is the only way we can recharge our body’s battery. Studies have shown people who sleep seven or more hours tend to lose weight faster and tend to keep it off. Your body NEEDS rest. There is no power bank on this one.

4. Reduce the Eating Out

You might feel like it’s not possible. “I don’t have time, so I eat out”, you might say with tears in your eyes. Well, most restaurants do not make your meal with intentions towards your health. Most restaurants are negligent with regards your health. However, there are some new restaurants that are aiming towards fresh, local and organic. Unfortunately, none are in Akwesasne.

The only people that can cook good for you is you, and probably your mom.

Reduce the eating out, the fast food and unhealthy snacks. If the restaurant cooks a special food that you can’t do without, learn how to prepare the meal, after all a goal also involves learning something new.

5. Spend More Time with Loved Ones

If you are always indoors with your smartphone or on Facebook and Instagram all day posting a thousand selfies or three thousand photos of your new baby, it’s time to spend time with your loved ones. Decide to reduce your attachment with your smartphone and increase your attachment to “Smart People” that love you. Try to look for opportunities to spend quality time with your close pals. It also helps your general wellbeing.

6. Visit Your Health Care Provider at Least Once a Year

I’m healthy and fit, and taking time to have at least one physical a year is helping me take care of me. One visit; one major, once a year check-up. The health problems in this world is gradually increasing, so don’t neglect any symptom. You never might know. So one of your goals this year should be to listen to what your body is trying to tell you. Prevention and early detection is the key to a healthier lifestyle.

7. Try Using a Dream Board

Choose a realistic goal and put it on your dream board. Yes, a tangible dream board (poster board), that is placed somewhere you are regularly to bring it to life by posting photos, phrases, sayings, etc., to help you visualize and send positive vibes out into the universe over and over.

8. Improve Your Wellbeing

This goal involves that you take time out of today to care for yourself and your wellbeing. Regularly do the things that make you happy, with people that put big smiles on your face.

Start doing nice, wonderful things for yourself. Decide that you will try to feel happy, positive and beautiful. Please remember that the number one factor in achieving any goal is to make plans. Start drawing out plans that will guarantee you a healthy 2016.

Be yourself, but this year; be better.


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