A Voice from the Eastern Door

Rez Teams Win Broomball Season Opener

A shutout and a last second finish set the season for the 2015-16 Massena Men's Broomball League for Akwesasne's teams.

Last Sunday at the Massena Arena, the Chiefs blanked Open Net/Ole Smokehouse 4-0.

Owen Mitchell and Matt Thompson started off the scoring as Mitchell passed from the side to Thompson who banged it home. That goal stood up and in the second period Derek Hopps- alone in front of the crease - intercepted an Open Net clearing pass from behind the net and tapped it in to make it 2-0. Mitchell scored his second of the game assisted by Jake Lazore with a nifty pass in front of the Open Net goal. Late in the game, Thompson scored his second of the game as he batted in their final tally while sliding in front of the net.

In the second game the Ice Pigs took four minutes to score on Clarkson as Dwight Bero took a blast from the blue line which trickled in.

After that faceoff Clarkson scored to tie and they added another one minutes later to pull ahead 2-1. Bero added his second of the game with Blake Diabo and Tyson Oakes assisting.

Cody Joe Back scored their third goal toward the end of the first period as his shot went through a crowd of players and Bero picked up the assist.

In this League the game is two periods with the first 25:00 running time and the second 15:00 stop time.

In that second period there was no scoring but Clarkson came close in the final two seconds as they went two on none on goalie Evan Cree, but he made the stop to hold onto the win 3-2.


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