A Voice from the Eastern Door
Submitted by Tsiionkwanonhso:te Staff
1. Do not act your age, or at least what you think your current age should act like. What was your best year so far? 28? 40? Now? Picture yourself at that age and be it.
2. Be positive in your conversations and your actions every day.
3. Ditch the downer friends. Have negative friends who complain all of the time and constantly talk about how awful everything is? Drop them. (Tip: Smile often. It’s contagious and wards off naysayers.)
4. Walk like a vibrant, healthy person. (Tip: Make a conscious effort to take big strides, walk with your heel first, and wear comfortable shoes.)
5. Stand up straight! Fix your stance and practice it every day, all day, until it is natural. You will look great and feel better. (Tip: Your waistline will look trimmer if you follow this advice.)
6. How’s your smile? Research shows people who smile more often are happier. Your teeth are just as important to your good health as the rest of your body. Not only is it the first thing people notice, but good oral health is a gateway to your overall well-being. (Tip: Go to the dentist regularly and look into teeth whitening. Nothing says old more than yellowing teeth!)
7. Lonely? Right this minute. Pick up the phone, landline, or cell and make a call to do one or more of the following: Volunteer your time, take a class, invite someone to meet for lunch, brunch, dinner, or coffee. (Tip: Volunteer at the local public school to stay in touch with younger people and to keep current on trends, take a computer class or a tutorial session at your cell phone store to keep up with technology, choose a new person every week for your dining out.)
8. Start walking, not only for your health, but to see the neighbors.
9. Get a physical. Make this month the time to set up your annual physical and other health screenings.
10. Find your inner artist. Who says taking music lessons is for young school children? You may have an artist lurking inside you just waiting to be tapped. Have you always wanted to play the piano, violin, or tuba? Have you ever wondered if you could paint a portrait or scenic in oil? What about working in wood? (Tip: Sign up now for fall art or music classes and discover your inner artist!)
Healthcare Housekeeping Week Sep 13 – 19th: The Residents and employees at Tsiionkwanonhso:te appreciate the hardworking housekeepers: Velma Cook, Jean Benedict, Debbie Jocko, Esther Square and Diana Lalonde. To their credit, Tsiionkwanonhso:te did not have to close its doors to visitors and family members during 2014-15 Flu season. These housekeepers play a vital role in infection control measures. Niawen:kowa!
Alzheimer Society Annual COFFEE BREAK fundraiser has been supported by Tsiionkwanonhso:te staff and residents for the past five years. All funds raised are donated to the local Alzheimer Society in Cornwall, ON.
Please come and support a PIE BINGO scheduled on September 18th at 1:30pm. Concession items and the sale of 50/50 tickets will be available for your convenience. More information will be available as the date approaches. For more information please call Teresa at 613.932.1409.
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