A Voice from the Eastern Door

St. Regis Mission News

Mass Intentions September 4th – 10th

Friday, Sept. 4/15 - 12:10 pm - Mary Grant - Memorial Mass. Requested by Phoebe Curran, Maureen and Lorna Eldred.

Saturday, Sept. 5/15 - 4:00 pm - Anticipated Mass. Mass Intention for Nancy Hopps- 14th Anniversary. Requested by her husband, Vernon Hopps.

Sunday, Sept. 6/15 - 10:00 am - Holy Mass - Mass Intention for Cynthia Cree Cook - Memorial Mass. From the funeral collection.

Tuesday, Sept. 8/15 - 6:00 pm - Mass Intention for Margaret Tarbell- Memorial Mass; David Tarbell - 2nd Anniversary; Donna Van Every - 9th Anniversary. Requested by the Family.

Wednesday, Sept. 9/15 - 12:10 pm - Mass Intention for Jeanne ‘Jenny’ Cook - Memorial Mass. From the funeral collection.

Thursday, Sept. 10/15 - 12:10 pm - Mass at Tsiionkwanonhso:te Adult Care - Mass Intention for Evelyn Delormier Sr. - Memorial Mass. From the funeral collection.


Registration forms for the upcoming Sacramental preparation classes for First Communion and Confirmation are now available at the Saint Kateri Center and the rectory. The deadline to register is September 30th. Classes begin during the first week of November. Forms will be available shortly on the website and Facebook for downloading.

With a warm and blessed welcome to the return of Father Jerome Pastores to the St. Regis Mission Church, as of September 1, 2015.


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