A Voice from the Eastern Door

St. regiS miSSioN NewS

Mass Intentions August 22nd-27th 2015

Saturday, August 22/15 - 4:00 pm -

Anticipated Mass. Mass Intention

for Karen Terrance - Memorial Mass.

Requested by Gilbert Terrance.

Sunday, August 23/15 - 10:00 am

- Holy Mass - Mass Intention for

Grace and Mark Garrow - Memorial

Mass. Requested by Allan Garrow.

Tuesday, August 25/15 - 6:00 pm -

Mass Intention for Daniel Bero Sr.

- Memorial Mass. From the funeral


Wednesday, August 26/15 - 12:10

pm - Mass Intention for John Herne -

Memorial Mass. Requested by Vicki

Herne Giffiths.

Thursday, August 27/15 - 12:10 pm

- Mass Intention for Angus Adams

- Memorial Mass. From the funeral



If you can share 1 hour per week of

your faithful time to volunteer as a

teacher or a helper, please contact the

St. Regis Mission Church Religious

Education program. Volunteers are

needed for preparation classes for

First Communion and Confirmation.

We are looking for individuals

willing to bring their faith alive and

share it with children. We provide

training and all resource materials.

Please contact the Religious Education

Program today at 518-358-2931

or 613-575-2753 to learn more about

how you can become a Catechist or

Aide! Thank you.

Altar and Rosary Society is accepting

membership applications from

those interested in joining the society

of the St. Regis Mission Church.

Applications can be obtained from

the Church, and the next meeting is

Sunday, Sept. 6, 2015, at 1 pm at the

St. Kateri Center.


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