A Voice from the Eastern Door

Thompson Foundation of Akwesasne

Thompson Foundation of Akwesasne is creating a commercial film about aboriginal issues such as poverty, stolen land, cultural genocide and unfair treatment by western government. This film will be used to solicit donations to fund our organization and support our people. Thompson foundation is a non-profit organization created to support aboriginal issues, defend the next seven generation's future and help supplement the economy.

The idea to create such a foundation comes from a lack of leadership in recent years to support our people. Our youth are given no true recognition and when they seek help are put down and turned away. Great ideas put forth to our leaders are turned away at the table, rather than seek the people's opinion for all the ideas that are put forth.

Our crest follows the example of the crow and the owl. Crows defend their territory by uniting together to harass the owl from its territory, we follow the example of the crow.

Recently Thompson Foundation has tried to contact the SRMT Economic Development Director, with little success.

We are looking to the people for support, we are looking to the community to help with our film's production. This film will bring much needed awareness to the world about our issues and what they can do to help. If you believe in the effect and power this could bring for our people then please, we ask for any monetary donations you can give to help in its production. 10% of your donation will go to help a family in need within the community.

Go to the website to donate – thompsonfoundationdonate.com

Collen Loft-Thompson, Aronhia:a


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