A Voice from the Eastern Door

Local Massage Therapist Receives International Recognition

Friends and family would like to congratulate Natalie S. Gibson for being accepted into the Society for Oncology Massage. Society for Oncology Massage is an international association of massage therapists with the particular interest, specialized training and extraordinary compassion to safely bring healing powers of massage to oncology patients at all stages of the cancer journey. She received her training in Cancer, Hospice, HIV/AIDS and other Life-Altering Illnesses as well as Mastectomy and breast tissue massage. Cancer changes one's life forever. It affects the family, loved ones and everyone surrounding this person.

Natalie feels that word massage is misleading for a person dealing with a life threatening illness; the term touch or bodywork seem to be more appropriate. The Swedish massage that is taught in massage school would be too overpowering during the acute or terminal phase of cancer, AIDS or hospice. This is a time for gentle, nurturing, supporting, calming and loving touch. Touch is a respite from pain and discomfort, emotionally as well as physically. A person's touch needs to be soft, light and easy because we are caring for the heart and soul of a person and not just the physicality of a person.

Some of the benefits include: release of post-operative pain and edema, relaxation, promotes the removal of residual side effects of anesthesia, chemotherapy and radiation, assists in the flow of lymph, blood and oxygen, increases range of motion or mobility, provides emotional support, promotes a sense of well being and IT FEELS GOOD!

The Society for Oncology Massage was founded to ease the journey through cancer and beyond for patients, family members and caregivers. Natalie is from the Onondaga Nation, eel clan and has been working in the Akwesasne community since 2006. Natalie has worked in other Haudenosaunee communities as well. She is married to Tehoronio, a Mohawk condoled sub-chief, and they have two children. She can be reached by telephoning (315) 247-6984.


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