A Voice from the Eastern Door


The Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO) will be presenting information on the proposed Passenger Vehicle Survey. The survey will be conducted tentatively in late August 2015. The MTO will be gathering data in a three to five minute electronic or mail-in survey, with the objective to learn travel patterns of vehicles crossing Ontario’s International Borders, in order to support the management of Ontario Provincial Highways.

Benefits of conducting the surveys to the community of Akwesasne would be: local employment opportunities; enhanced data to support Economic Development and planning in Akwesasne; and enhancing past friendships and partnerships between the MTO and Akwesasne.

The use of the data is to understand and forecast travel patterns to support highway planning in border regions, help plan for the highway impacts of high-profile special events, support cross border tourism and trade policy analysis and support emergency preparedness.

The MTO would like to inform the community that the survey data cannot and will not be used to identify respondents and it is completely voluntary, drivers are not required to participate in the survey.

The MTO will presenting information and requesting feedback from community members on Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 5:00pm at the A’nowara’ko:wa Arena Turtle Room, located at 36 Arena Road, Kawehno:ke.

If you have any questions please call the Mohawk Government Offices at 613-575-2348 extension 226.


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