A Voice from the Eastern Door


Continued from last week…

The next morning when the old woman got up the old man again was very sick. Again the old man told the Bear Clan woman where to go to find the proper medicinal plant and exactly how to prepare it. The old man drank the medicine and the sickness went away. Everyday the old man became ill with every possible sickness. Each time this happened the Bear Clan woman was told what medicine plant or plants to prepare. Every single time the old man would become well.

Now on this particular day the old man told the Bear Clan woman he has taught her and her people all the knowledge of medicine as a special gift. The Bear Clan people never forgot the ways and teaching of our Creator. From that point on the Bear Clan people would be knowledgeable of medicine for their people. For those, regardless of clan, who embrace the teachings of our Creator will be acknowledged by our Creator with a special gift.

Now on the last day of Sonkwaiatison’s visit this is what happened ... Again, the Bear Clan woman woke up to find the old man in severe pain and very sick. She asked what she might do to help the old man. The old man for the last time instructed her where she will find the medicine.

When the old woman returned close to her house she noticed that a huge flame was shining through the cracks and openings of her house. The Bear Clan woman thought that her house was on fire and rushed to save the old man. Just as she turned the corner of her house she saw the old man transform himself into a handsome young man and then into a huge ball of flames. Stunned with awe she watched as the great ball of flames shot up into the sky and then disappeared into the sun. So it was that the people of the Bear Clan received from the Creator their knowledge of medicine.


1. Never ridicule or make fun of someone, for this person may be the Creator

2. When someone visits your home or community always welcome them.

3. When someone visits your home, don’t ask if they are hungry. Share whatever food you have with them. Give them something to drink.

4. Don’t ask if they have a place to sleep or stay. Fix a bed where they may rest.

5. Always know what the teachings of the Creator are.


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