A Voice from the Eastern Door
Mass Intentions for June 19th-25th
Friday, June 19/15 - 12:10 pm in the Chapel. Mass intention for Angus A. Adams - Memorial Mass. From the funeral collection.
Saturday, June 20/15 - 4:00 pm - Anticipated Mass. Mass Intention for Beatrice Jacobs- Memorial Mass. Requested by Delores Thompson.
Sunday, June 21/15 - 2:30 pm - Holy Mass - Celebration of the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist to our children who have been preparing these past few months. The celebrant will be Bishop Noel Simard from the Diocese of Valleyfield.
Tuesday, June 23/15 - 6:00 pm in the Chapel - Mass Intention for Mike Sunday - 1st Anniversary. Requested by Dr. Danielle Dubuc & staff.
Wednesday, June 24/15 - 12:10 pm in the Chapel - Mass Intention for Tommy Bay Terrance - Memorial Mass. From the funeral collection.
Thursday, June 25/15 - 12:10 Mass in the Chapel. Mass intention for Evelyn Bush - 1st Anniversary. Requested by Dr. Danielle Dubuc & staff.
Note: In the event of a funeral mass during the weekday, the mass intention will be re-scheduled.
The children receiving the Sacrament of First Eucharist (Holy Communion) are required to be at the church for 6 pm on Friday, June 19th, for the First Reconciliation service. This is mandatory in order to receive the First Eucharist.
All children, parents and sponsors of the children and youth receiving the Sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation are required to attend a practice/rehearsal in the church on Saturday, June 20th at 10 am. Attendance is very important.
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