A Voice from the Eastern Door

7 Empowerment Manifestation Guidelines

Submitted by Wholistic Health and Wellness

It’s a new year ... a new beginning, a time signaling the birth of NEW possibilities.

Perhaps you have compiled a list of “new possibilities’’ to work toward this year. We all have a list of resolutions that we are hoping to manifest. And most of us are convinced that if we just work hard and push through, persevering with diligence, suffering and sacrifice, that we will then meet our goals of manifestation.

I might add that most of us probably don’t particularly like the pad of the manifestation equation that seems to require hard work, perseverance, suffering and sacrifice. It’s safe to say that most of us would most likely prefer our goals to manifest with gratitude, grace, joy and ease, totally eliminating the burdensome should’s and have to’s of the past.

So why doesn’t manifestation just occur naturally and easily without this kind of undue sacrifice and suffering?

Is there something that could be done that would allow us to Co-create with authority?

Is there a way to initiate our Co-creative abilities in an easy, fluid and seemingly effortless manor ... with gratitude, grace, joy and ease?

The process of being in a physical body living your life through relationships and creative endeavors is called manifestation, or the materialization of spirit through form. Bringing spirit into form through our free will choices is what we are actually doing as we live, breathe and experience our life, body and relationships.

Think of manifestation as the process of making choices in your life and understand that everything you are creating was first energized by an original choice, the underlying belief. Fueled by a Core Belief Program, the original choice streams magnetizing energy into your creations.

The quality of the energy (intention) you originally choose to create with fuels the manifestation. Intentions are defined as ‘’aim or objective; quality of purposefulness.’’ From the Law of Attraction we know that what we put out there is what is returned to us. If we create from anger, we receive anger back. If lack and competitiveness is what we choose to energize, then that is what we will receive. If we create from un-deservingness, we receive un-deservingness in return. If we choose to create through resentment, we are inundated with the energetic dynamics of more and more resentment.

We always have a choice in the quality of energy (intention) with which we are propelling our manifestations.

What might the true intentions be for the following kinds of manifestation choices? Can you envision how the first part of the example would create different results from the second pad of the example? Which kind of intention would you prefer to be a recipient of? Which kind of intention would Co-create a world of peace, joy and prosperity?

We can choose to become insulted/angry/vengeful or we can choose to turn the other cheek and forgive;

We can choose to do harm or we can choose to display compassion;

We can choose to help someone out of duty and obligation with regimented sacrifice or we can choose to consciously perform the same charitable service act with loving kindness;

We can take action while continuing to harbor resentment or we can freely and generously participate without this impingement;

We can choose to hold onto shame, grief, resentment, anger and sadness or we can chose to let go of the pain, suffering and judgment;

We can create a partnership/relationship/business venture/investment out of fear (fear of being alone, fear of abandonment, fear of failing, fear of rejection, fear of loss/greed, etc.) or we can Co- create a partnership through mutual respect, love and generosity.

This realization is the crown jewel of Empowerment Manifestation . . .

Becoming conscious of our intentions (our underlying true aim, objective or motivation) is the way that we take ownership of the manifestation process. It is how we become Conscious go-creators symbiotically collaborating with the Infinite Universe to create with full Cc-creative Authority through Empowerment Consciousness™.

When you accept your full go-creative Authority, you are manifesting through Empowerment Consciousness™.

Manifestation occurs on many different levels: physical manifestations such as food, clothes, cars, and houses; emotional manifestations such as joy, peace, anger, pain, resentment and regrets; and relational manifestations such as a soul mate, a parent- child relationship, a career or a devotional path.

Manifestation is a process of making choices; choices that first originate with a thought. It is the deeper, subconscious Core Belief Program that is actually magnetizing what you are able to draw into your life. Let’s look at an example to better understand why our manifestations would not occur with gratitude, grace, joy and ease.

You have a desire or a need for a new car, but your deep underlying Core Beliefs (either yours, your family’s, ancestral or mass consciousness) run this kind of limiting and constraining gamut: * I don’t deserve to have what I desire . . . I’m undeserving, unworthy, unimportant, unsuccessful, selfish, lazy, uneducated, etc.

I should make do with what I have ... It’s wrong to accumulate wealth/acquisitions/belongings/etc.’, I must be poor to be spiritual; wanting things is selfish/wrong/greedy; I shouldn’t want things. I don’t need anything; that car is a luxury, which I don’t need.

Asking for what I need is always denied . . . It’s selfish and greedy to ask for what I need. I must sacrifice for others.

Only rich people can own a new car, and I am not rich. A person has to work hard to get rich, but I don’t want to have to work hard or I work hard, but I never seem to get ahead. My work is not good enough; No one appreciates me; I am always overlooked; I’m nothing, I’m unimportant, I’m never seen/heard/valued.

People like, me/my family/women never get ahead, never get a break, never get rich, never get what they want, are always denied, are not powerful, uncreative, don’t have what it takes to succeed.

Continued next week...


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