A Voice from the Eastern Door

St. Regis Mission News

Mass Intentions April 10th – April 16th

Friday, April 10 - 12:10 pm in the Chapel - Mass Intention for George Gray (Memorial Mass).

Saturday, April 11 - 4 pm - Anticipated Mass - Mass Intention for Theodore “Teddy” Mitchell, 1st Anniversary. From the funeral collection.

Sunday, April 12 - 10 am - Holy Mass - Mass Intention for Josephine Lazore Angus, Memorial Birthday. Requested by Jack Angus and Family.

Tuesday, April 14 - 6 pm in the Chapel - Mass Intention for Pauline Boots, 1st Anniversary. From the funeral collection.

Wednesday, April 15 - 10 am at Iakhihsohtha Lodge - Mass Intention for Cynthia Ann Cree Cook. Memorial Mass. From the funeral collection.

Thursday, April 16 - 12:10 pm in the Chapel - Mass Intention for Emily Allen, 2nd Anniversary. Requested by the Family.

Other news: The Music Ministry is seeking a volunteer to operate a computerized music notes and lyrics using a laptop, projector and screen in the Church. Time required would be every Sunday during the 10am Holy Mass, and on occasion, during Special Masses as needed. If interested and have the time, please call the Church Rectory at 613-575-2753. Niawen.

The Altar and Rosary Society of the St. Regis Mission Church is being revived and reformed. If interested in becoming a member to help with the decoration and liturgical requirements of the Church, please attend the first meeting scheduled for Sunday, May 3rd, 2015, at 1:00 pm at the Saint Kateri Center (Kateri Hall).


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