A Voice from the Eastern Door

MCA Water and Wastewater Facilities Annual Performance Inspection

The MCA water and wastewater facilities were inspected on December 4, 2014. There are 8 facilities total. They are the Kanatakon Water Treatment plant, the Kawehnoke Water Treatment plant, the Kanatakon Wastewater Treatment plant, the TsiSnaihne Wastewater Treatment plant, the TsiSnaihne Communal Septic Field Bed, the Block 97 Wastewater Treatment plant, the AMS Wastewater Treatment plant, and the A'nowara'ko:wa Arena Sewage System.

After each inspection, a System Risk Score is calculated based on the water quality, facility design, operation & maintenance, record keeping & reporting, and operator performance. A high risk score is greater than 7, medium is between 4 and 7, and low risk is less than 4.

The A'nowara'ko:wa Arena Sewage System received a medium level risk score, 5.3, because the effluent water quality exceeded the regulatory limits. The inspection officer reported that this was due to inappropriate treatment and recommended that a coagulant be added to the treatment process. The MCA wastewater operators have resumed treating the A'nowara'ko:wa Arena Sewage System with coagulant and they anticipate improvement in the laboratory analyses.

The potential risk that the A'nowara'ko:wa Arena Sewage System imparts on the environment is due to the fact that the system does not operate continuously. The A'nowara'ko:wa Arena is not occupied seven days a week, therefore the wastewater settles in the tank after treatment. Converting the A'nowara'ko:wa Arena Sewage System to a continuous system could be a better alternative to adding coagulant chemicals.

The TsiSnaihne Communal Sewage System received a medium level risk score of 4.5. The inspection officer reported that the total suspended solids parameter exceeded the regulatory limits. The reason for this is that the treatment system was out of commission last winter. It has been repaired by the MCA wastewater department and the mechanical equipment is now fully treating the wastewater. Full treatment will enable the regulatory limits to be met and this will allow the System Risk Score to return to low level risk.

All of the other MCA water and wastewater facilities received low level risk scores from the inspection officer. If you would like further information regarding the inspection reports or if you would like to tour any of the plants you can reach MCA Water/ Wastewater department manager at (613)933-1971.


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