Continued from last week
He arrived at the lodge of another Ancient One and said, “I am thankful that the day has arrived in peace.” She replied, “I am also truly thankful!” Then he asked her, “What have you done since you got up this morning? What marvelous thing have you seen?” She said, “I went to dip water from the stream and when 1 did, 1 was surprised to see a bear standing near me. Then 1 came back to the camp and began to prepare food for my children and my grandchildren. Then 1 came back to the camp and began to prepare food for my children and grandchildren.” The Young Man said, “Yes, you did see a game animal that also was created by our Creator. Your clan is now the Bear. People will be in the habit of calling your clan the Bear now and in the future. You will be brothers and sister to the Deer clan.
He went to the next camp and asked the same question of the Ancient One. She saw a Sandpiper as she was dipping into the stream for water. He told her that she and her family would be known as the Sandpiper Clan and they would be brothers and sisters to the Bear and Deer clans.
At the next camp the Ancient One told him she saw an Eel as she was dipping for water. The Young Man informed her that she and her family would be know as the Eel clan and would be brothers and sisters to the Bear, Deer, and Sandpiper clans.
He also told her that their brothers and sisterhood would consist of these four clans. His work was finished on this side of the river. He invited the female Ancient Ones to follow him across the other side to complete his work. Grasping the grapevine he threw it to the other side and began his trek across the river. The female Elders Ones followed him.
When they reached the other side, he went to the first camp and greeted the Ancient One saying, “I am glad that dawn has arrived in peace.” She, the most Ancient One said, “I am thankful also.” Next he asked her what she had seen as she dipped for water in the river. The Ancient One replied that she had seen a wolf running near the river. He informed her that they would be known as the Wolf clan from this day forward.
At the next camp the Ancient One told him that she had seen a Beaver as she dipped for water in the river. Her clan became the Beaver clan, and her family would be known as the Beaver clan in the future.
The Ancient One at the next camp saw a Great Turtle as she dipped for water and her family would be know as the Great Turtle clan from this day forward. Her sister clan would be the Beaver clan.
The Ancient One at the next camp saw the small cub bear, and her family would be known as the Cub Bear clan. He told her that on the other side of the river the Ancient one had seen a bear and her clan was the Bear clan. The only difference between the two clans was the size of the bear and this would have to be worked out later on. He told her, I believe that it is only right that you both make up only one group and one clan will need to cross over the fire to the opposite sisterhood.
He told everyone gathered at the Wolf, Beaver, Great Turtle and Cub Bear clans would be brothers and sisters from this day forward. “You who are on this side of the river and those on the other side of the river will have a Council Fire between you since you had a river separating you. You will greet one another as cousins. It does not matter; which side of the council fire you speak from, you will say ‘Our Cousins.’ This custom will continue from this day forward. All clans on either side of the Council Fire will have equal rights and equal responsibilities for the observances. You will continue his procedure in the future.
He turned to the Ancient Ones and told them, “You are now responsible to make sure the procedures are followed in the future. Bring all the people together and have everyone assemble around the fire as I have instructed you. I have a few more things to tell you and it is important for everyone to hear.”
The Ancient Ones selected a place where everyone could assemble. The ones left on the other side of the river crossed over, including the children. They assembled at the chosen place and the Ancient Ones followed the procedure of grouping everyone according to clans. Those of a common sisterhood sat on one side of the Council Fire. The Ancient Ones turned to the Young Man and told him, “We are ready to hear what else you have to tell us.”
The Young Man stood up and said, “The first thing we have to talk about is the fact that there are two kinds of Bear clans here today. Each sits on opposite sides of the Council Fire. You have to decide which one must cross over to sit with the other.”
They sat in council and considered the matter. Eventually they said, “In watching the bear family, the eldest bear travels about from place to place while the cub bears remain at home. We feel that the Ancient One should re-cross the Council Fire. That way on one side of the Council Fire the Bear clan will live.
The Young Man told them they reached a good decision and asked which one would be re-crossing the Council Fire. They decided to have the Bear clan re-cross to sit with the Cub Bear clan. The Ancient ones said, now we have completed this task. What will happen to the single family that you did not visit? The young man answered, “Go get the Ancient One to come here.” She arrived and stood beside him as he asked, “Are you the person who I forgot to visit?” She replied, “Yes, it is me. We were humbly expecting you to visit our family and became anxious when you did not arrive.”
He asked her the same questions he had asked of the other Eldest Ones. She responded that she had seen a Sharp-skinned Hawk while she was dipping for water. The Young Man told her, “You and your family will be known from this day forward as the Sharp-skinned Hawk clan.”
Continued next week
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