Entire families attended the Children's' Powwow, enjoying the songs, the dances, the food and crafts, but mostly enjoying being with each other. Here, Elder Lenora David dances with her daughter Debbie.
Lead Dancer John McComber, far right as he leads the first dance at the powwow, following behind are Arthur Herne, Dwight Bero, Mel Phelix and Theresa Conners, flag bears for the Grand Entry ceremony and for closing.
Lead dancers, Isabelle Wilson (dressed in blue) and Kahentaienni Thompson (in red) gracefully lead the friendship dance.
Redtail Spirit Singer from Kahnawake was the "big drum" singers for the Children's Powwow.
Tsiwentiron Mitchell didn't participate in any of the dance competitions, she just had an amazing time dancing.
Ian Clute, singing for the Kaniehkehaka Ratirennenhawi singing group.
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