A Voice from the Eastern Door

Police Blotter

Aggravated driving while intoxicated: On Feb. 20, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Police charged David M. Oakes, 43, of Akwesasne, Quebec, also citing him for failed to yield right of way and failed to use designated lane. Tickets are returnable to Bombay Town Court on March 24.

Arrest warrants: On Feb. 23, Tribal Police arrested Brian J. Boots, 35, of Rooseveltown for an active warrant. Boots was arraigned in Bombay Town Court and ordered to return on March 17. On Feb. 24, Tribal Police arrested Charles V. Thompson, 47, of Hogansburg for an active warrant. He was arraigned in Bombay Town Court and ordered to return on March 24.

Inadequate headlights: On Feb. 20, Tribal Police ticketed Stephanie M. Square, 42, of St. Regis, Quebec. Ticket is returnable to Tribal Court on March 16. On Feb. 21, Tribal Police ticketed Wilfred V. Rochem, 65, of Montreal, Quebec. Ticket is returnable to Tribal Court on March 16. On Feb. 25, Tribal Police ticketed Floanne K. Benedict, 49, of Hogansburg. Ticket is returnable to Tribal Court on March 16.

Aggravated unlicensed operation: On Feb. 22, Tribal Police ticketed Donald J. Hamoy, 40, of Malone, also citing him for failure to exhibit license, operating a motor vehicle with obstructed vision and unsafe passing on the left. Tickets are returnable to Bombay Town Court on March 17. On Feb. 24, Tribal Police charged Steven P. Seymour, 25, of Hogansburg, also citing for inadequate lights and unlicensed driver. Tickets are returnable to Bombay Town Court on March 24.

Following too close: On Feb. 22, Tribal Police ticketed Dawn E. Day, 35, of Akwesasne, N.Y. Ticket is returnable to Bombay Town Court on March 9.

Speeding: On Feb. 23, Tribal Police ticketed Krista L. Harper, 27, of Cornwall, Ontario for allegedly going 62 mph in a 35 mph zone. Ticket is returnable to Tribal Court on March 23. On Feb. 24, Tribal Police ticketed Martha A. Cook, 69, of Akwesasne, N.Y. for allegedly going 60 mph in a 45 mph zone. Ticket is returnable to Tribal Court on March 9. On Feb. 25, Tribal Police ticketed Gregory B. Renwick, 57, of Sherrill for allegedly going 50 mph in a 35 mph zone. Ticket is returnable to Tribal Court on March 23. On March 25, Tribal Police ticketed Kaitlyn N. Graffis, 22, of Hogansburg for allegedly going 51 mph in a 35 mph zone. Ticket is returnable to Tribal Court on March 23.

Unauthorized use of a motor vehicle: On Feb. 24, Tribal Police ticketed Logan J.W.S. Cree, 16, of Hogansburg, also citing him for unlicensed driver. Tickets are returnable to Bombay Town Court on March 24. On Feb. 25, Tribal Police ticketed Joy A. Lazore Gibson, 43, of Hogansburg for inadequate taillight. Ticket is returnable to Tribal Court on March 16.

Inadequate Taillight: On Feb. 25, Tribal Police ticketed John S. Francis, 47, of Akwesasne, Ontario. Ticket is returnable to Tribal Court on March 16. On Feb. 25, Tribal Police ticketed Mark E. Curran, 50, of Massena. Ticket is returnable to Tribal Court on March 16.

Unlawful possession of marihuana: On Feb. 25, Tribal Police ticketed Scott D. Peters, 39, of Akwesasne, Quebec, also citing him for speeding, allegedly 51 mph in a 35 mph zone. Tickets are returnable to Bombay Town Court on March 17.


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